

  • Sasmin. Which of the low carb groups do you follow?
  • Here is a blog with some low carb recipes (some are borrowed from Linda's site mentioned above) and some are the creation of the blogger The blogger is following the POON METABOLIC DIET and has lost over 100lbs in a year. She has become a running fanatic in…
  • I've been following a low carb plan now since Aug 2012. Hit 75lbs lost this morning and still have 25 - 40 to go. So far the plan has been easy for me to follow. I eat very little fruit, very little sugar from any source including natural sources in fruit and fruit juices, low daily salt, tons of lean protein with fat % 10…
  • If you just started a very low carb diet then you are having sugar withdrawal. I have been on a very low carb lifestyle now since Aug 1st and for the first 3 days I had headaches. I felt like I did when I quit smoking back in '91 and the same way I did when I tried to quit caffeine a few times. Took about two weeks to feel…
  • Veggies are not created equally when it comes to carbs. Root veggies, corn, tomatoes and legumes have way more carbs than green leaf veggies because of their sugar content.. I follow a Dr. supervised Atkins like lifestyle. The basic guidelines are, no root veggies, tomatoes, corn, no beans or other legumes, no brussel…