cccrissy Member


  • I just got my Flex! Pm me your email address so I can add you. :)
  • I started this diet 3 days ago and I'm 4lbs down! yay! The first 17 days are quite tough, but the second cycle is much easier. My stepsister did the whole thing about 6 months ago, and she's maintaining her weight on the 4th cycle, which is just basically eating healthy wholesome foods. Carbs and all.
  • Along with reducing body fat, you can help things along by doing pushups with your feet on an exercise ball. It worked for me. :)
  • Hello Fellow six weekers! I'm starting the 6 week plan today! I need some motivation, so anybody who wants to be my buddy on MFP, I welcome all requests! About me: I'm 37, 5'1 and I weigh 157lbs. Im a single mom, I work full time, andi go to school full time, clearly there are not enough hours in a day! I'm going to give…