

  • The water aerobics and bike are great. Other exercise that can be good for people with joint/muscle problems are things like pilates, yoga, tai chi (basically, strength and flexibility training). But it depends on the type of injury you've got. Always stop if you feel pain, always start slow and small. Don't risk hurting…
  • 7. Can't go to sleep if I don't exercise.
  • One of my friends quit chocolate this year, completely. She used to eat at least a chocolate bar every day, but went cold turkey and said that after a few weeks her cravings were gone completely. She's now not eaten it for about four months, and doesn't plan to ever again. There's no need to do this as a little bit of high…
  • I think that's a great idea. There are probably a lot of people in your area, of all shapes and sizes, who have issues with food hoarding and over eating that they'd love to get some support with, and it's really important to make sure you focus on mental and emotional health as well as just eating right and exercising. In…
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