How many days do you exercise?



  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Try to do 6 days a week. Usually 3-4 running and 2 strength training. I will sometimes do a workout DVD too depends on how I feel. Only done 5 this week as I had 2 really rough night shifts and have felt exhausted.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Typically six days per week. My goal is seven but life just has a habit of getting in the way.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Usually 6 (3 days weights/strength, 6 days cardio). Sometimes I take 2 days off.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    7 days a week. I mix it up now- it's not always at the gym. Sometimes it's a bike ride, a DVD, zumba, etc. I used to just phone it in at the gym 5 days a week, and my body got too used to that.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I don't workout.

    I used to walk a fair amount, even that has tailed-off these days. I walk for pleasure not to burn calories though ...

    I do some push-ups once in a while mainly to impress the dog.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I like to work out every day if possible. I usually never miss more than 1 day a week though.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Up until today Ive been going 3x a week, that includes a PT day. This week Im pushing myself further and going to try and get 5 days if possible. Its a struggle when working 12 hours 5 days a week and then weekend is usually committed to cleaning the house but Im going to try and go everynight after work this week and see how I get on :)
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I do 5 or 6 days, I like one or two days off. Having said that I do walk in my lunch if it's dry out and also run around with kids and walk around the park on a weekend too but don't count that.
  • Tensky
    7. Can't go to sleep if I don't exercise.
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    I injured my IT band while running, so my routine has slowed down to 5 days a week. I do elliptical (1-2x), pilates (2x), cyclin (1x), walking (2x) and weight lifting when I can fit it in. My goal is to get back up to 6 days week with 1 rest day.
  • IMElektra
    IMElektra Posts: 65 Member
    6-7 days. Sometimes I take 1 day off
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    6 or 7 (when it's 7 at least one of the days is zero impact and at recovery intensity).
  • genefabes
    7 days a week, varied intensity.
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    7 days a week! I have horses so no break for me! lol I lift three times a week....intense cardio two times a week. Plus riding and Zumba on a sunday!
  • nyssa1231
    nyssa1231 Posts: 120 Member
    Usually six days a week.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    4-6 days per week. I do quite a lot of cardio...but one session is resistance work and 2-4 pump classes a week.
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    My only exercise is walking, but, I walk 6-7 days per week.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    Min 6 days...3 days kettlebells and 3 days cardio...
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi 3 days at the gym, one day doing a dance class, but it all depends on work
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    Usually 5-6 days a week. At my age (53) my body requires a day or two off to recover:smile: