

  • That's me on the right. I used a really old pic. I'm not even close to being that thin now but it's my goal to get that size again. That's my husband on the left. The pic is back when we were dating.
  • HI my name is Toni. I've been a nurse for almost 5 years now. I've worked in the ER up until recently. I just finished grad school and now I'm working at a surgery center. I've always had trouble with my weight. In the ER I worked crazy hours and at 3 am it's impossible to get anything healthy at a gas station. Now I'm…
  • I have the same problem. I've found that if I make my breakfast higher in protein and I also make my breakfast my big meal of the day, this helps to get me through to lunch. If I don't do this, then I eat early and I'm starving again by 9:30.