

  • To LorinaLynn I eat healthy and unprocessed foods most of the time...but I find it hard to stay within the calories limit...any quick and easy recipes to share?
  • To sl0327 It's true that stepping on the scale every morning has a huge impact on the rest of the day (you all know what I am talking feel horrible when you realize you gained 2 pounds...) I should just give myself two weeks of tracking calories and not step on the scale Lets see if I can do that Thanks :) To…
  • Hello! to Fatchristine: it's funny...I didn't have a scale for 6 months ( i was living abroad from May until last november) and I didn't stress about my weight...I didn't lose or gain any weight during that time and i was fine with myself. Then...I moved back to South Beach last November..and let me tell you...even if you…
  • Thanks for the reality check everybody...I was just hoping not to have to count the calories but it seems that even with a super healthy diet that will not do it :( Calories in vs calories out I guess I should make that my motto from now on. P.S This is my first post ever, I cant believe I got so many answers so…