

  • What do we think about ballet maybe?
  • Thankyou so much for the pintrest board! I'm looking forward to going through it!
  • Oh!!! Don't give up! Maybe you should try working out in the evening instead of the morning! Then maybe you won't dread it so much! It's a lot easier to do when you're enjoying it!
  • It sounds to me like you need more support! It can be tough to stay motivated when you're losing weight slower than you would like, and there's no one to talk to about it. I know when I don't have enough support, every pound I lose feels like a yay... when it should be a YAAAYYY!!!
  • I've been on my weight loss journey for about 4 months now, and support and friendship is so important! I kinda fell off the wagon recently, because I've hit a plateau, so I'm trying to get past it! I'm sorry that you're having trouble sticking with it, but I hope that we can be friends and keep each other not only on…