lauryn6061 Member


  • I am a petite 5" and currently weigh 125lbs. The last time I was at this weight was 15 years ago and boy, was I chubby! This time I've been working with weights and just started capoeira, and I look much better.. I have to say weights have made me look womanly! I used to weigh 100-105lbs doing loads of cardio but I didn't…
  • I'm on Insanity Day 6 but I take rest days in between and sometimes do two sessions on one day. sometimes. Started on 26th. Weight: 129 Height: 5' 1" Don't have a measuring tape but I'm guessing 34-28-37
  • Yes, had this problem when I was severely cutting my intake. I lost 15kg in 3-4 months. After that I ate normal meals again. But I was a student and ignorant (or maybe just plain lazy) about nutrition. So my hair was not as thick as it was when I was 15 kilos heavier. Read an article saying extreme weightloss may…
  • The first few days of cutting back on sugar is really hard. Sometimes I immediately go out for a workout if I start craving, and it takes my mind off of it. Or I use Stevia and trick my mind into thinking I'm having some sugar in my drink (lemonade with stevia, or coffee/tea with stevia). It'll be manageable after the…
  • Thank you :) So often I'd stand in front of the mirror searching for flaws that were in the way of me being "perfect". Thanks for the reminder, it is when we love and accept ourselves that our bodies will mirror our feelings and change to be perfect, too! I'll start doing that today. Find the beauty in my reflection and be…
  • I either braid my hair or do it in a 'tiered' ponytail. sometimes i put the end of the tiered ponytail in my top so that it doesn't swish from side to side too much.. which annoys me.
  • I was overweight from when i was 11 years old all the way to my late teens. I crash dieted at 18 and struggled to keep the weight off until i was 25. All my relatives (both sides of the family) are overweight. I always thought I couldn't do anything about my weight. I thought I had a big frame. And then, at 26, I started…