3) I have consistently burnt 600-700 calories a day. My exercise consist of 30 minutes of elliptical and 20 minutes of resistance circuit training. But my goal is 30 minutes of exercise a day. 4) My goal is 1 pound a week but I am consistently under by 500 extra calories making my actual lose 2 pounds a week. So why don't…
If you have the pop, chip or cookies then yes you would gain weight. Subway has a calorie guide and if you follow it you wouldn't have gained weight.
Let's just say there could be worse things you could eat so if Subway does it for you then go for it.
Because I'm 6'1" and a man. Short women definitely get the short end of the stick.
I am doing 30 min of cardio and 15 min of rt a day.
From your photos I would say you are very, very attractive so I won't worry about that. I think the issue is you and your self esteem. You got to love your self before someone else can love you.
I weigh my self in the morning, hopefully after dropping the kids off at the pool (nudge nudge, wink wink).
Thanks for posting this. I've only been at it for 3 weeks but was a bit worried when I occasionally gained .5 pounds or stayed the same. It make much more sense now and I won't let it get me down.
What is "Insanity"?