

  • Roasted vegies over pasta or rice is super easy too. red pepper, green pepper, mushrooms, squash, garlic, onion, eggplant, whatever vegies you can find. Cut them about the same size. Preheat over to 400 Dress vegies in a little EVOO, salt and pepper Roast for 20 minutes or so, stirring in between
  • 1 piece of whole wheat toast teaspoon of peanut butter 1 banana 1/2 cut of grapes
  • Curried Chick Peas over brown rice Saute 1 onion & 1 green pepper (i like a lot of vegies) in a little Olive oil 1 can chick peas 1 tbspn curry salt & pepper to taste saute onions and peppers, add a can of chick peas, salt & pepper to taste & the curry powder. Saute for about 5 minutes and serve over brown rice.
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