

  • Welcome to the journey! Congratulations on you 61 lbs lose. Thats great!. Keep up the good work. Some days it will feel like you're never going to get a surgery date, but keep your chin up and stick to it. It is so worth the wait. Good luck!
  • Thanks for sharing. It does help. I too have a hard time with the fluids. I'm lucky to get 56 oz in. Which is so weird to me, because pre op it was noting for me to have over 100 oz a day. Good luck to you on your journey, keep up the good work.
  • I had VGS 8/7/12. So far so good. Down 30 lbs from surgery weight. Down a total of 61 lbs from my heaviest weight last March. I have to admit, this has been a lot harder mentally than I thought it would be. I am very inspired by reading post on here. I won't give up on myself this time. Good luck to everyone!
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