

  • That is an incredible story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad likes Nascar a lot, there can be true romance no matter where you are!!!
  • All these stories are so cute!! I wish each of you the best of luck!!!
  • It's on youtube!!! He posted it for our friends and family that couldn't be with us that day :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zzjXl0e1nM
  • That is such a good topic. I had no idea he was going to propose...My parents had a get together and we are both singers. So my dad and I decided we would do Karaoke that night. My fiancee suggested that he and I learn a song to sing to our parents for their anniversaries so I picked endless love because it was very much…
  • Hi!! My name is Megan and I am getting married in April!! I just got engaged at the beginning of this month so I don't have too much time. I want to do things the right way so I am starting here! Good luck to all the future brides!!!