Jjcleveland62 Member


  • I really could use some supportive friends who can help give me suggestions and help me through this. I have a ways to go but know I can do it with help from my friends I was 244 Pounds and have lost 12
  • Hi I am in the 1800 range but want to try to stay at the 1600 range. I was 243 and I am know down tweleve pounds. I am new to using this but I feel it is a really good app to help all of us. I have to many bad eating friends and they don't want me to loose the weight. I need to get some new friends that know this Journey…
  • Does anyone know if there is a place to safe recipe' s on here. That would be great if there was. What do you do with the ones that you find
  • These sound great. I am going to try these