

  • Added! :) Do you have a blog you'd like to link me?
  • Or, if you really want a guideline, look up what you BMI is at (Body Mass Index). It is a VERY ROUGH estimation of what you should weigh based on your gender, age and height. Keep in mind it won't factor in things like muscular physiques or higher bone mass.
  • I'm 24 and 5'6". I've set my goal weight at 140, down from a 195 starting weight. Sometimes the number seems so far away I could cry. I've also always felt I am a little bit big boned and muscular for my size... sometimes I wonder if that just an excuse for not wanting to try to get down to 130. Those are the days I decide…
  • Can't say I've experienced an eating disorder, though in my worst moments of desperation to get thin I have considered the unhealthy alternatives. My goal is to lose 55 pounds and to do it in the healthiest, most permanent way I can. Even though I've lost 25 pounds since the summer, I still have a long road ahead and…
  • I was in a similar situation a few years ago. I was also 22 then. I'm also the kind of girl you would call 'cute' and no necessarily beautiful. However, I heard someone say 'guys love cute' and it's true! My guy right now is perfect for me and he absolutely loves that I am 'cute'. So I really think the real reason is…
  • I'm a complete beginner at working out. I've been doing only cardio 3-4 times a week, either 20 minutes on the elliptical and 10 on the recumbent bike or 30 minutes on the treadmill- walking (3.0) and jogging (5.0). I've heard so many different things about cardio, that I should only be walking briskly, or that bursts of…
  • Thanks for all the feedback! Based on the general consensus, I am going to eat more. Going to try 1500 a day, and be patient. Considering I had very minimal muscle before I started working out, it's probably just the muscle I am building. I'll admit I also need to be more vigilant with my water intake because some days I…
  • My goal weight is 140 pounds. I eat back half my exercise calories, so if I burned 340 in a day, I will eat 1370 instead of 1200. Would I have better luck if I eat more? I seem to be having trouble convincing myself I need to eat more. All my life I've exercised little to no control over my eating and now I feel like I…