

  • Hi All , So it's the holiday season both in India and the US . It's thanksgiving here and I am trying hard not to give into the wonderful deserts and pies you get here . On a positive though , I have been keeping up with my workouts inspite of some little niggles and an extremely stressful time at work. I have set myself a…
  • Well few of us are here and it's a start ...:) . So what plans for Diwali ? Lot of sweets today or going easy on them ? I have a Diwali lunch coming day after tomorrow at work .So danger times ..ha ha :)
  • Thank you sir .Hope you have a very happy and healthy Diwali as well :):)
  • Hello sir , I see that its obviously worked really well for you And I am really glad for yoh.But again based on whatever I have read so far and from what my trainer tells me , I would prefer a healthy ,satisfying diet coupled with intense or moderate exercise .Again , all our bodies and lifestyles are different so when I…
  • You might knock a lot of pounds for the first 3-4 weeks., After that , you will hit a plateau .Your body will go into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down. You are better off eating 1700 odd calories and burning around 500 in the gym if you can. Or get at least 1400 in with a good combination of all macro…
  • Hi All, I am Srikaanth and it's so good to see this group . I have been using MFP for about 35 days now . Probably for the first time in life , I am being very conscious of eating right and exercising enough. Lost about 8 pounds so far since starting off with MFP ( makes me feel better talking in pounds as the number is…