Hi...lets say hello



  • Hi!
    Im Hazel! Ive been using MFP from my phone for a few days and Im lovin' it!
    Still havent done a weight check to see if the calorie counting has an effect on me but I hope it does!
    Im so Glad MFP has an Indian group, its hard to relate our food and diet to those 'abroad'

  • Richa_S
    Richa_S Posts: 78 Member
    Hey Neha & hazeldias... Welcome to the group n wishing both of u loads of luck to carry on ur journey @ MFP with us!
  • Hi All,

    I am Srikaanth and it's so good to see this group . I have been using MFP for about 35 days now . Probably for the first time in life , I am being very conscious of eating right and exercising enough. Lost about 8 pounds so far since starting off with MFP ( makes me feel better talking in pounds as the number is bigger....so please don't mind :) ) .

    My goal is to be healthy ,fit and very athletic . I want to shed all the flab and the extra fat . I've been very regular with my workouts and I want to continue to on the same path . Super excited to see a group with Indians here :) . Hope all of us can share useful info and encourage each other in attaining our goals.

  • alltheweigh170
    alltheweigh170 Posts: 287 Member

    I am new here. Just started a day ago. I need something like this to keep me organized. Having some friends over here will definitely be helpful. I have struggled for more than a decade to lose weight. I am committed to not give up. I plan to lose 50+ lbs over the next year. Yikes! That sounds scary but I know it is the consistency that will get me the results I need. I will have days when I falter but I WILL get up and move on.

    Let us be active in this group and help each other out. I will try to post some meal ideas and pay more attention to nutrition when I am cooking so that we can update the desi database. :-)

  • aditifoodie
    aditifoodie Posts: 125 Member
    Hi I am Aditi.

    I have been overweight or rather obese as far as I can remember. After a lot of yo-yo wt loss, I am seriously and highly motivated this time. I was even embarrassed to tell anyone my wt before but now I dont mind as I know I am going to lose it.
    I started using mfp seriously from oct2012 and have lost 15 kgs so far without excercise. I plan on joining a gym from jan 2013.

    Also I am a food rearcher and passionate about food which I always mistook for a curse before as I enjoyed binging on fast foods, but now I have improved my relationship with food and my passion for food helps me make healthy food taste good as per my palette.

    Highest wt:124.6 kg
    starting wt of mfp: 118 kg
    current wt: 103 kg

    My goal is to be absolutely fit by oct 2013 in time for my brother's wedding.

    I am really happy to find an Indian group here, although From threads I can see its not very active.
  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome Aditi! Where are you from?
  • aditifoodie
    aditifoodie Posts: 125 Member
    hey sorry late in replyin, I am from mumbai but jus moved to bhilai,chhattisgarh a cpl of weeks bk.
  • aditifoodie
    aditifoodie Posts: 125 Member
  • SonaliShukla
    SonaliShukla Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Everybody,

    I am Sonali,joined MFP a little more than a month back.I am an IT professional,so my job involves very little activity.My MFP starting weight was 87.5 and currently am at 84.Looking to reach a weight of 70-72 by end of April 2013!I know its difficult but thats why i am here. 70-72 might not be the ideal weight for me but altleast i will be out of overweight zone considering my height of 5.7".

    So to achieve my goal what i am currently into:-
    Eating 1300-1400 cals per day
    Joined a gym-Atleast 5 workouts per week:-
    day1-upper body strength training+cardio 30 mins(elliptical cross trainer,spin cycle/treadmill)
    day2-full cardio 50 mins(elliptical,cycle,treadmill)+abs
    day3-lower body strength training+30 mins cardio(elliptical cross trainer,spin cycle)
    day4-same as day1

    I am truly enjoyng my days here with my MFP friends,pls feel free to add me as your pal in this fitness journey.Looking forward to all of your support and advice.

  • walk2120
    walk2120 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Sonali and Aditi,
    looks like not much Indian are hanging around here. Anyaway, I just started MFP from Jan 1st, so not long ago. I am carrying this extra weight since the delivery of my son that I am hoping to lose (about 20 kgs) this year.

    Feel free to add me as friend.
  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Sonali & walk2120, WELCOME!!!
  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member

    Where are you from? Great workout schedule planned!! Wish you the best of luck!! I agree ... losing so much weight in such a short of period is difficult. It can be stressful also.


    Where are you from also? I was born in India, in Delhi. But moved to the US when I was young. I live in Jacksonville, FL
  • walk2120
    walk2120 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Pratima,
    I am in Chicago.
  • FabnFit2013
    FabnFit2013 Posts: 80 Member
    thats very motivational richa - this is vidya i just joined MFP also have Jillian 30D somewhere in the closet - will take it our this weekend
  • Hi , all ..I am new to this group..My daily cal intake is 1360.. , just want to know how much calories I use for b/f , lunch and dinner..
    Thanks in advance.
  • Hi,
    This is Vik. I have been using MFP for some time now but didnt know that there is a group for Indians until I found this today. I saw Sonali's workout schedule.Pretty impressive. I have been working out for around 4 months now with 3 days in gym and 1 day of running 3 miles on a 4 mile circuit. I have felt a great change in my lifestyle but havent been able to loose more than 7 lbs so far.

    Sonali- With the 4 day workout schedule and only 1400 calories a day, dont you feel starved?

    Could you please share you diet details a little more, if you can

  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Vik, Archana, & Vidya. Welcome to the group!!

    So Vidya, did the Jillian 30D come out of the closet? .... You know, I started watching Biggest loser this season. I didn't watch it last week. But, I will try to watch it the rerun on the web. I really like Jillian!! Is it the same one on the DVD? I have never watched Biggest Loser before?

    Archana: I am not sure how many calories should be allotted for which meal. I think some people get hungry in the morning and then have medium sized lunches and then light dinners. I think that is a good way to divide up the meal load. But then others, I have seen on MFP, they starve until their first meal and then eat normal meals. I'm not sure how it works exactly. But, I suppose in the beginning, you could divide the calories equally. Then you can moderate between the times you are hungry.

    Vik: How many calories do you burn every day on the days that you work out?

    Welcome everyone to the group!! I am Pratima. I live in Jacksonville, Florida. Here is my typical (or rather what I would like my workout schedule to look like)

    Sunday: maybe TRX, but usually I don't do it because of housework and kids
    Monday: hubby's day off, so nothing!!
    Tuesday: spinning 45min or P90x 45 min starting next week
    Wednesday: TRX 45 min, Zumba 1 hour, and sometimes pilates 1 hour
    Thursday: boot camp or spinning 45 min, P90x or yoga 1 hour, sitting in sauna 10-15 minutes
    Friday: spinning 45min, Zumba 1 hour, and sitting in sauna 15-20 minutes
    Saturday: Ex-Fit 75-90 minutes, yoga 1 hour
  • Hey Pratima
    thanks for sharing your workout schedule.

    I do cardio 2-3 times a week ( 60 minutes each) - burn around 660-700 calories each time

    Lift weights and other upper/lower body exercise - Once in a week. Dont know about the calorie burn

    Run 3 miles and walk 1 mile on a 4 mile circuit usually every Saturday - around 600-700 calories

  • NSharma20
    NSharma20 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi, I am Nina. I am in north Carolina,USA . Past few years I have gained so much weight which has put me on border line of getting major health problems. I am in my mid 40's. I know it will be hard for me to lose weight as the metabolism is slow now, but I will try my best. I have to lose 76lbs to reach my ideal weight.
  • MomiTia
    MomiTia Posts: 94 Member
    Hi im tia, from india on day 4 level 1 of 30 day shred it killed me the first two days, go to the gym for an hour since the last two months and havent lost much but toned a lot, need to lose weight now, great to see fellow indians please feel free to add me :)

    Gym for an hour 6 days a week divided into 3 of aerobics n 3 of weightsn cardio

    The 30 day shred, i m also a bit into yoga n pilates but then thats since i joined mfp its a great forum n has replaced my facebook addiction :)