Hi...lets say hello



  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Hitting the plateau is a natural process. We all experience it.

    When I hit the plateau, I googled for some info. Educated myself on what to do and what not to do. Selectively chose a few that suited me. (So, you are free to mix and match the techniques)

    I broke my workout pattern, varied the intensity, varied calorie intake, drunk 3-4 L of water per day consistently - stuff like that. Eventually, scale started to tip. It took me 6 weeks to see the difference in my scale. See what suits you.

    BTW, I noticed that I ate a lot of junk, including katchories and cookies. It took some time for me to realize! (Duh!!!) See if you are making any such mistake.

    Good luck.
  • ShubhaBansal
    ShubhaBansal Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks Avi for highlighting that it takes time as i stop doing the change as its not working.....i will google the same and figure it out... and be consistent and let u guys know about my progress.
  • ShubhaBansal
    ShubhaBansal Posts: 80 Member
    Hi.. I started the 30days shred -level 1 from yesterday but was not able to do it without break....Cant do pushups as my babies used to sit on me..lol....but it was just wonderful...felt very good...will do same again...

    Keep me posted of your experience of doing the same.
  • amitglinkedin
    amitglinkedin Posts: 223 Member
    I am Amit from Mumbai, I used to be muscular in my teens, started gaining weight when i started working..didn't realize until few weeks back...

    I am now 31 kg over weight...looking for support and motivation.

    Feel free to add me
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    @Shuba - That's good. Keep doing pushups - assisted ones to start with. You will do regular ones eventually. (I started off with girlie pushups and now I can do regular pushups.)

    @Amit - Welcome buddy. FR sent. Well, I am no different. I was obese since I was 15. I had a million excuses not to workout. Now, I workout for a purpose - for my daughter. I want to be a healthy dad. We'll be healthy and reach our wt goals - eventually.
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Hello Amit :-)
  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone .....
    So nice to see that we have a regular group going!!!

    Feel free to add me ....
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome pratimaram!
  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member

    I am taking a break the next few days. I just had a root canal done yesterday. But otherwise, I work out usually 8-9 times weekly. I alternate between zumba, spin, P90x, TRX, & some free squat and weight exercises. I can't wait. But also, I am looking forward to the break and time off from the gym to catch up on other things.
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Hello Pratimaram... welcome aboard. Yes, we have a large desi team here. Get well soon. :)

    BTW, that's one heck of a workout package. It's tiring to read, let alone doing them. :P
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    I like how you mix things up like that - keeps it interesting I bet and doesn't let your body get used to a routine. Nice.
  • ShubhaBansal
    ShubhaBansal Posts: 80 Member
    I am losing hope that i would be able to lose weight...its not working for me :((

    Feeling like to give up.
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Disclaimer - Sorry if I sound rude! :P

    Well... let's look at it from a different point of view. Its great that you are feeling like crap! (No pun intended. :P) It is one of the early signs of 'progress'.

    99% of us experienced it. We took years to become this fat or ate mindlessly all these years until we reached the state of 'Buddhahood' a few weeks/days back.

    We started our working out programs since the last last 10 days/12 weeks/5 months/x days - but we expect to lose all the extra pounds in such a short time!! Sounds unrealistic? Yes, of course!

    I am not saying that expectations are bad. I am saying unrealistic expectations can lead to such disappointments. We need to change that attitude.

    This needs change in lifestyle, including the way we look at food, exercise and life in general. The idea is to embrace a new lease of life - and take baby steps in approaching the goal. It is painful, it is frustrating and it makes us feel like crap. Of course, we all feel that way. Its completely "normal".

    So, please dont quit. Hang on. We are all into this. We will make it - but eventually.

    Not all days are created equal. Some days we feel like Champs, someday we feel like losers. Its OK. Its all in the game.

    Buck up and march on, soldier!

    Good luck!
  • ShubhaBansal
    ShubhaBansal Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks Avi...Yes you are right....
    I wont give up...will let u guys know abt my progress....I really want to see my feet when i stand:smile:
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Atta girl!
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Totally agree with what AdviDaddy says. We are all impatient to get to our weight loss goals but it takes time, our bodys may take a break from time to time and sometimes we might even go backwards. But this is a marathon and not a sprint so hang in there - trust me we all feel this way from time to time.

    You can do it - we can all do it.
  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member
    Shubha, please don't give up. It is a hard journey at first but it does get easier along the way and then hard again .... and then easy again....... To make it to the end, we have to keep going. Keep your goal in mind! Set a do-able goal. Let's say it's a pair of jeans that is one size smaller than what you are now. Look at those jeans everyday to remind you of your goal. Picture those jeans when you work out. Keep that visual in your mind and I think you will be able to put some positive energy into your weight loss. set a goal and keep it!! keep your goals small and then work to meet them as often as you can.

    Don't forget: We all are here for motivation and support. Sometimes just talking about your difficulties and let-downs can motivate us to keep going. We will listen and keep you motivated to help you!!!
  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member
    Happy Friday to all!! :flowerforyou:

    Today is usually my spin class at lunch and zumba in the evening day. But since I am still recovering from my root canal, I will only do zumba in the evening. I still have a mild headache, which is from the root canal I believe. I will try to make it through today without any Advil. Let's see how I do.

    Chet, Advi: My workouts are varied. But, I am so lucky to be part of a great gym with great instructors. I started in May 2012. But, if it wasn't for the group fitness classes, I don't think I could have made it this far!! I really enjoy the classes and so I dont find myself avoiding the gym at all. I forgot to mention I also do yoga and pilates on occasion.

    What about you guys? do you go to a gym?
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    I have a gym at home. But now I am doing P90X. Can't do all the circus with my kid running around.
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    I'm coming to the end of my Les Mills Combat programme which I do at home. Next I will start a hybrid programme of Les Mills Pump & Combat for 90 days. I've also started a C25K programme but stopped at week 2 due to catching a cold so stuck o the Combat programme only. I will restart week 2 next week and then continue through to the end.