Close, I'm at around 64 kg at the moment.
same, except that i usually listen to really hardcore stuff (Parkway Drive, The Architects, As I Lay Dying etc.)
I'll try that one out, too, thanks :)
Nope, 2 times downhill and 2 times uphill (all 4 very short), other than that it was all pretty much flat surface
I'm just gonna go with MFP then, thanks for all your help :)
Yeah it is, I went to check if that was the problem but it's accurate, so idk..
Thanks, I'll try it out next time I go running :)
@Pinkgumdrop: I'm the exact opposite - music gives me rythm and keeps me going - without it i'm negatively distracted by my heavy breathing :P
I ran around our town.. I went uphill only once so that shouldn't be the reason.. :/
Thanks everyone, for replying. You've all been very helpful :)
I started at 72kg, at the moment I weigh 69kg.. My calorie goal says 1200 but I don't usually reach it.. And I go running about 3-4 times a week, medium pace, 20-30 minutes.. My goal weight is 57kg because my height is 167,5 cm, I think that's not too extreme, or is it? And yeah it seems to be taking forever, I'm just so…