Kyrogix Member


  • Hi. I just started the H75. Hallenge today. I’d love to have some accountability and support here. I lost my drive for 7 months. Gained a bunch of weight. I came across this yesterday and started this am.
  • I agree with you 100%. Weight loss and improvements in fitness level is a personal thing. However, when friends, family and loved one's notice your hard work and efforts take it gracefully. Good luck with your journey!
  • In Edmonton! Anyone doing the P90x program?
  • For anyone starting their weight loss and fitness journey....just chip away at your lifestyle and exercise habits until they become habits. I look forward to working out everyday.....which is a big change from not working out in almost two years. Once it's a habit, the weight will come off, you'll feel better and better.…
  • Hi, I know that they are way off with calories burned. However, if you are eating less and exercising more than before changing the lifestyle then you're all good. Slow and steady, exercise 5-6 days a week, and fast after 8pm (maybe a little chicken and small piece of cheese if you get the munchies after 8pm). I wish you…
  • Hi, I'll join in. I started at 267.2 and have dropped to 253.6. If you need some support just drop me a line. My goal is to get too 190 lbs by April. Cheers
  • Good luck Rioux! I started three weeks ago on P90x, at my peak weight of 267! One week at a time, with good nutrition and exercise you'll reach your goal! Good luck and keep logging in!
  • Hi my name is Tarek. I have just started P90x (2nd week), round I (all over again.....two year break :(). I would love to chat with other people who are doing the program. My wife is also participating with me, but is not as commited because we have two small kids who, when they wake up at night, only seem to want their…