21 y/o, 60 lbs to lose need motivation

riouxha Posts: 995 Member
Okay, so today was my epiphany. I've gained more weight, I'm at my highest ever. Was getting super depressed, and hating myself. I was unable to go to the gym due to a heart murmur investigation, and a recurring back injury, but I've resolved both but now I'm going to get back on track! to the gym today, and healthy eating from now on. I graduate in april and I plan on being a new me! Friends, please kick my *kitten* into gear! I'm 5'6 and 215 lbs today, and I want to get to my first goal of 160. I want to see how far I can get by april, which is when I graduate from university and i need friends with similar goals and stats.


  • Jayneopopsidoodle
    Jayneopopsidoodle Posts: 63 Member
    You are such a beautiful girl and you look great already. Good luck on your journey, add me as a friend,,,,I'll send the request and we'll get you to goal in no time :) slow and steady wins the race :) x
  • congrats on resolving those issues ... good luck on your journey ... remember, no self-negative talk .. lets get it done!
  • I totally understand how you feel! I am right there with you! Im at my largest and at the end of the rope i need to make a change and decided to do it today too. ive gained over 50lbs this last year. Im 21 college happened and i got married young .

    Girl you can do it!

    I'll motivate you if you help keep me motivated.
    just think beach weather & bikinis :wink: haha
  • riouxha
    riouxha Posts: 995 Member
    you've got it, we'll keep eachother accountable!
  • CindyMarie_
    CindyMarie_ Posts: 122 Member
    I'm 21 and I started about 6 months ago because I was also my heaviest ever and I couldn't stand to even look myself in the mirror anymore. In my journey I've learned a lot about nutrition, health and exercise and each day I learn some more. The important thing to remember is that lasting results take time. Add me, we'll motivate each other. :)
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    When I was 21, I weighed 383lbs and am down to 180, so I know you can do this! Hang in there and with every lb you lose, you'll gain a ton of confidence! Eat clean & exercise (as much as you can), and you'll be well on your way!
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    Welcome! Starting the journey to healthier living is awesome. Doing it now will help you in the long run.
  • KristenRidl
    KristenRidl Posts: 82 Member
    Hello!! I started my weight loss journey exactly 4 weeks ago today. I am in the same boat as you: 5'6'', 225 pounds. My goal is also 160 pounds. Currently, I am doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD, and I am kind of obsessed with it. Each workout is around 25-30 minutes in length, and there are three workouts in total (each getting progressively harder). My first challenge was to complete 30 days of the Shred in a row. I completed day 28 this morning! So far, I have lost 20 inches and almost 10 pounds. I would recommend it to anyone. You can do it!!!
  • aimiee88
    aimiee88 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey im 24, and also looking to lose about 50lbs!
    I joined this site today to also find some motivational friends that can support me, and I can do the same in return!
    I have been stuggling for while with the weight loss and hoping the forums and friends will help me with my journey, so far its really got me motivated already, and I cant wait to start !
  • riouxha
    riouxha Posts: 995 Member
    I should clarify I'm not new to MFP, but new to doing it full-fledged and commited.
  • Gemmax0902
    Gemmax0902 Posts: 75 Member
    Hello!! I started my weight loss journey exactly 4 weeks ago today. I am in the same boat as you: 5'6'', 225 pounds. My goal is also 160 pounds. Currently, I am doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD, and I am kind of obsessed with it. Each workout is around 25-30 minutes in length, and there are three workouts in total (each getting progressively harder). My first challenge was to complete 30 days of the Shred in a row. I completed day 28 this morning! So far, I have lost 20 inches and almost 10 pounds. I would recommend it to anyone. You can do it!!!

    I am also obsessed with 30DS I completed day 29 today (every day) with a weight lose of 16lbs, and half way measurements of 13inches in total can't wait untill tomorrow to get updaded results. Once I have finished I will be doing her Kickbox Fastfix for another 30 days I'm really enjoying getting fit (not something I thought I'd ever say).

    I've been a MFP member for 31 days and am logging everyday so please feel to add I'm always around to help where I can.

    Gemma xx
  • Kyrogix
    Kyrogix Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck Rioux! I started three weeks ago on P90x, at my peak weight of 267! One week at a time, with good nutrition and exercise you'll reach your goal! Good luck and keep logging in!
  • kodiaqkitten
    kodiaqkitten Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I happened to see your post on the sidebar and decided to drop you a line. College/University is terribly difficult fo us gals. I gained far more than my freshman 15! More like 30lbs. Then I hit the work world and busy times ensued which lead to poor eating habits. I was married soon after and then the babies came. I gained over 80lbs with each of my two kids, never quite losing it all in between. The day before I gave birth to my daughter, I topped the scale at 240lbs. Boy, was I hoping for a 40lb baby. Alas, it wasn't to be. lol. 6wks after her birth I started my weight loss journey. A few years later, I am down over 100lbs and back to my normal small self!

    Mayo clinic, as well as other medical professionals, will tell you that exercise is 10% of wieght loss. The other 90% is healthy diet. I applaud your commitment to exercise and encourage it but I admit it - I hate it and seldom partake.:) So if you are looking for healthy recipes, ideas to cut calories and what not, drop me a line!
  • Wow your story is amazing. Congratulations.
  • I'm 5'7 and looking to lose about 60 pounds also. I think your story is incredible and I'm gonna add you because I'm new here and I need friends :)
  • brooookeexo
    brooookeexo Posts: 51 Member
    I am also 21, would like to lose 40-60 pounds & would love to work with some of you guys to achieve our goals! It's good to hear from people in the same boat, sometimes it can be so difficult.
  • acw87
    acw87 Posts: 9
    My goal is also 160. Feel free to add me:smile: