Capegirl16 Member


  • Hi this app is awesome at helping you reach your goal if you stick with it and watch what you eat... I have been doing it on and off now for a couple of years and I find it very convenient. Track everything you eat drink and exercise it will work for you too... I'm down 10 pounds since I started to get serious on here in…
  • You get out of it what you put into it... Have to start somewhere. One day at a time remember it took years to gain the weight not going to loose it overnight. I was overweight a few years ago but with hard work and watching what I eat and when I eat it I have dropped 70 pounds and now feel great. I can keep up with my…
  • hi Dani: Keep up the good fight girl.. I also over the past 4 years have lost and kept off 75 pounds trying to loose it was not as esy as putting it on... so remember one day at a time because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.... pat yourself on the back girl
  • I totally feel everyone's fustration... I began my weight loss journey about 5 years ago. I am currently down 65 pounds and I am feeling great about it. However, this past fall I was feeling like no matter what I did I was not seeing results. How that I have started to keep track of what I eat and when I excerise this is…