ms_april Member


  • I absolutely love almonds and they come in all kinds of great flavors (both sweet and salty). The cinnamon and cocoa are really good.
  • IMHO the main thing is to look at the nutrition info BEFORE you go out to eat and plan your food choices using that as a guide. Nothing worse than ordering a salad only to realize you could have had a burger with less calories, fat or sodium. Plus if a restaurant doesn't make their nutrition info public it say a lot to me;…
  • I don't mean this to sound mean but at those calories you have to learn the difference between appetite and hunger. There is no way that you are experiencing physical hunger at that calorie level.
  • Definitely count everything you put in your mouth. If you don't accurately know what you have had how would you know when you have had to much?
  • I love soft boiled (5 minute) eggs on a slice of toast. Sometimes I add spinach or thinly sliced tomato. I just love how yummy the runny yoke is when I slice the egg onto my toast.
  • It took me right at a year to lose 100lbs
  • Blue Diamond make almonds in a ton of flavors so I usually keep a a couple bags. Dark Chocolate for when i want sweet and wasabi & soy or smokehouse for when I want salty. Soup is also a great option when you just have a microwave. I really like the Select Harvest ones. Oatmeal is another great option, very filling and…
  • There are a couple restaurants I wont even step foot in anymore now that I look up calories before I eat out. For instance at the Cheesecake Factory even the "weight management" salads and the grilled mahi (the lightest fish on the menu) have over 500 calories and thats before dressing or sides. I guess when the name of…
  • frozen fruit. You can get fruit mixes (berry blends or strawberries and peaches) or single types of fruit in the freezer section. They keep a long time and you can just add it to your oats before you microwave them. Blueberries turn it a very pretty color imho.
    in oatmeal Comment by ms_april January 2011
  • It looks so fun but I got the Wii zumba and have tried it a couple times and hated it. It moves so fast (even the tutorials) that I feel completely lost with in two or three minutes. It just keeps telling me how "great" I'm doing and moving ahead even though I'm totally lost. Maybe a real class; idk.
  • I'm a fan of oatmeal. I get the quick oats and its easy to add lots of variety depending on what you add. Splenda and cinnamon, fruit (fresh or frozen) or a couple TBSP of salsa are my favorites.
  • I also like a soft boiled egg (boil 5 minutes) and a piece of toast (I like Sara Lee 45 calorie multigrain bread).
  • You can figure the calories in almost any liquor by taking the proof -15, so for an 80 proof liquor it is about 65 calories per ounce. Keep in mind that a shot glass is 1 1/2 oz so an 80 proof shot has 98 calories. This calculation is for LIQUOR (vodka, whiskey, rum, etc) NOT LIQUEUR (Southern Comfort, Kahlua, Baileys…
  • I like laughing cow cheese, the light ones are 35 calories (so have 2) and come in several flavors. I eat it with celery. Almonds are good too you can have about 15 for 100 calories. Blue Diamond and Planters both make lots of flavors, eveerthing from chocolate to wasibi.
  • lol I intended to say good luck not food luck; guess we can see where my mind was.
    in New Comment by ms_april December 2010
  • Food luck; I hope you find the support you need here.
    in New Comment by ms_april December 2010
  • I use my Wii fit to do basic strength training (push ups, lunges etc) for 20 minutes 3 times a week then do a few sets of bicep curls and tricep extensions with free weights. It doesn't sound like much but I have seen changes in my body. I can tell a huge difference in how difficult it is for me to complete my little 20…