

  • I have Zumba four times a week. I also have a tonning pool class about twice a week. I actually implement a yoga, or pilates just for kicks and giggles once a week. However just implemented the weight trainning class in my schedule. My goal is two or three classes a day. However, I worked myself in to loving the…
  • I had been working on finals which got very intense for me. I just wanted to thank everyone for your response, It really helped. Thank You all. Rey Rey
  • Ok Im in just in time, double double double...
  • I love all the support that you have all given me. I just checked my gym for Zumba, classes and they do have some! I also have been wanting to walk just spend some quality time with someone, like Mom! I will check Jillian Michael's 30 out. Thank You all so much!!!!!!! To sexy for myself!