

  • I use fat free cottage cheese on baby spinach, for taco salad, I mix salsa w/ sour cream, and I make a buffalo chicken salad, I drizzle 1 T of low-fat ranch and 1 T hot sauce over the salad ( the hot sauce takes away from the aftertaste of a light ranch)
  • Well they look great on TV!.......and even if they dont look great w/o makeup or are unhealthy, they still look a hell of alot better than I do. Just gives me a reason to loose weight... to look sexy in lingerie!
  • You should try P90X or some thing that involves weights and cardio.. Building muscle will be good for you and probably get you over your plataue; when you build muscle you increase your metabolism and you will burn more fat.
    in HELP! Comment by erinczRN December 2010
  • Signed up tonight and first day starts tomorrow!!! I absolutely refuse to look back at my wedding picture one day and be embarrassed by my weight!
  • I think thats a good idea! My main goal for this first week is to stay in my calorie limit every day and to track every thing I eat/drink!