

  • Keep in mind that in the activity level that you choose, it is saying that you are burning a certain amount of calories per day already, 1800, 2200...when you enter exercise, you are saying that you have done something outside of the calories that you are already burning. When i used my fitbit, i was burning 500 calories…
  • if you go to best buy you may still be able to get the fitbit ultra for $79. it has all of the features of the fitbit one that is $99, but I think it might be last years model. I got the blue and black ultra and my friend got the ONE and we cant find the difference. I cant find any ultras online anymore though. I just got…
  • if you are sitting most of the day you may only be burning 1700 or so calories per day and if you are eating 1650 calories per day, you only have a deficit of 50 calories per day. you need a 3500 calorie deficit to lose one pound. your walking/ running for a half hour is probably burning about 250 calories so you are at…
  • what is great about this site is it helps you log everything for a while so you can see how much you really can eat. 500 calories is not necessary... 1200-1800 and you will lose weight. spend some time and log everything and you will realize you get to eat a lot of the foods that you like and still lose weight, you just…
  • I think we all know that if we eat only fruits and vegetables we can lose weight and be healthy. Most of us are here because we dont do that and have a hard time with that. I think the point of her thread was to post things that we have found that we can still eat and have in our diets and still actually be on a diet. 1.…
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