Contradictions EVERYWHERE



  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    is this even serious/ I mean, OP's name is reallyfatslob. not to be mean, but idk anyone who would make their name that. obese or not.

    ^^This is exactly what I was thinkin but I see he has made other comments in response.

    Changing my response entirely, see below.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    ETA: Original Poster - Do you truly desire to get the weight off? Are you seriously committed. If your attempts are half-hearted then you will not get far.
    I'm not sure why you are angry, perhaps it is because of what the doctor told you but it sounds like your doctor did not take much time to explain him or herself very well. If your doctor told you that in order to lose the weight you would have to give up fast food, pizza, burgers, ice cream etc etc then he or she was DEAD WRONG! All things in moderation. I still have pizza, many people here do. We still have ice cream and cookies and fried chicken. Its all about working those into your daily intake (which you are MUCH too low as others have already stated). Take time to look through the SUCCESS THREADS!! Look at how many people have lost 100+ lbs! If you ask, most will say they still had these foods, but in moderation. If they wanted to splurge a little, they worked out more for it. Work it into your dailly intake and then ENJOY IT!

    When I made the decision to lose the weight, not because someone else told me I HAD to, but because I WANTED to, I wasn't angry. I was excited. I was starting a new journey that was going to change my life forever!

    This is why I am asking if you really want it or are you doing this because someone else told you that you HAD to. You need to figure this out for yourself and find that desire to change within you.

    If you are here for you and not someone else, please feel free to send me a friend request. Having friends on here REALLY makes a difference because no matter how much weight any of us are trying to lose, we are all in the same boat. We understand food addictions, we understand insatiable cravings for (bad foods) those things we know we have to limit. We give support and motivation. Advice and suggestions. Friends are what make it work!
  • what is great about this site is it helps you log everything for a while so you can see how much you really can eat. 500 calories is not necessary... 1200-1800 and you will lose weight. spend some time and log everything and you will realize you get to eat a lot of the foods that you like and still lose weight, you just cant eat ALL of the foods that you like ont he same day. it will also help you plan out if you know there will be a day you want to eat something in particular so you can still eat other meals but in moderation so you can still have the same amounts of food. at this point, I wouldnt read about foods. you are right contraditions eat what you like, just keep with in a certain caloric intake and you will be fine.
  • By only eating 800 calories a day your body is holding on to all the fat and storing the fat you do eat! You should be eating a minimum of 1800 calories if you're morbidly obese. The weight will come off!

    This is not really true if the OP is morbidly obese - the body only holds on to stored fat when fat % is lower.

    That said - 800 cals a day is probably why he's cranky and everything feels hopeless.

    To reallyfatslob - Check out the success stories thread, I'm sure you will fund people who have been in similar places and who are now healthier and happier.

    Good luck.

    I read through several pages of the success stories, but only found 3 people who lost more than 200 pounds which is where I need to be (and two of those had surgery) . I don't want to imply that other people can't have their successes because they have all lost more than I have at this point. It is different when you have to lose more than what your goal weight should be. I got closer to 1000 calories today and am still hungry - all the advice was to increase the calories and to eat what I want, but my problem is that if I eat something that I want (a cheeseburger) I can't stop at that - one of two things happen. I will feel like I screwed up and will eat everything in sight because I fell off the wagon OR I will not stop with one. I would rather eat a bowl of iceberg lettuce than risk eating something that I like because I can't stop once I get going. There is no "one piece of pizza" with me; there is no "11 potato chips"; there is no 1/2 cup of ice cream because those amounts don't exist for me.
  • carolinelittle
    carolinelittle Posts: 45 Member
    What kinds of foods are you keeping in the house? I have made a commitment to limit bad foods. I can't eliminate them entirely, I have 3 others here who eat it, but I only buy in moderation now. If it runs out before a shop they need to go seek it out. It will see everyone eat less. You have a challenge ahead of you for sure as this is a mental game, you need to retrain your thoughts. It is OK to eat the bad stuff at times. It doesn't mean you failed and then need to just chuck the towel in. Want pizza? Make your own. Pita bread, toppings of your choice. Want ice cream? Stock single serve types in your freezer. Low cal, and they meet that sugar craving. You can do this. Use the food diary to your advantage. I love it. I would have thought I could only have 1200 cals a day, but I can have 2000. That is heaps! Enough to feel full and satisfied. I need to lose 140 pounds. Is it daunting? Yes. But I am not going to let it get the best of me before I've even started the journey.

    You can do this!
  • I really don't want to appear that I am arguing - just trying to be honest with myself. It is not about what I keep in the house - if I have single serve ice creams, I will eat 5 of them. If I want a pizza (which most people say on this site is totally okay), I will eat the whole thing (not just one or two pieces). If I go through McD's, I will get two Big Macs or whatever I want. It is not a matter of restricting what is in the house because I will eat until I am satisfied....

    The idea of moderation is not something I can do without going to the extreme (total denial of anything that tastes good).
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I really don't want to appear that I am arguing - just trying to be honest with myself. It is not about what I keep in the house - if I have single serve ice creams, I will eat 5 of them. If I want a pizza (which most people say on this site is totally okay), I will eat the whole thing (not just one or two pieces). If I go through McD's, I will get two Big Macs or whatever I want. It is not a matter of restricting what is in the house because I will eat until I am satisfied....

    The idea of moderation is not something I can do without going to the extreme (total denial of anything that tastes good).

    Ok, so eat more calories of lean protein, whole grains, and lots of fruits and veggies. Stock your house with healthy food and take a break from take-out and any other trigger foods for now.
  • I really don't want to appear that I am arguing - just trying to be honest with myself. It is not about what I keep in the house - if I have single serve ice creams, I will eat 5 of them. If I want a pizza (which most people say on this site is totally okay), I will eat the whole thing (not just one or two pieces). If I go through McD's, I will get two Big Macs or whatever I want. It is not a matter of restricting what is in the house because I will eat until I am satisfied....

    The idea of moderation is not something I can do without going to the extreme (total denial of anything that tastes good).

    Ok, so eat more calories of lean protein, whole grains, and lots of fruits and veggies. Stock your house with healthy food and take a break from take-out and any other trigger foods for now.

    I have been trying to do that, but in reality, I would have to throw out so much stuff and don't have the money to do kitchen makeover all at once - I am worried that I won't last another week. I spent twice as much money yesterday at the grocery than I usually do and got some decent things, but this eating healthier is costing me a fortune. I am sitting here staring at two bags of barbecue potato chips and I don't think they are going to survive the night.

    Seriously, I can't double my grocery budget to sustain the changes that everyone has advised me to do. 1 bag of Doritos = $3.19 and two tomatoes and a box of strawberries = $5.43.
  • U need 1500 calories, not 500. U are gonna end up gaining weight if u keep that up.
  • U need 1500 calories, not 500. U are gonna end up gaining weight if u keep that up.

    I upped it to 1000 today, but my doctor suggested that I stick to 800 until I see her again.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Nahh--when I first started, I was also cranky. It's a total change to go from 3000+ calories a day to 1200-1500 (that's what I did). So in the beginning, it's always tough, & definitely always not friendly.

    I also don't log everything.
    I estimate probably more than half the time because I don't have a fancy scale to measure the cuts of meat, or whatever.
    But I've gotten by! Doesn't take a bunch of money to lose weight, just dedication.
    I still don't have a HRM. I don't even have my own scale, I go weigh myself on a public one. xD Which is probably a good thing, considering I'd be on it constantly.
    I still eat junk food. Once a week, I treat myself to some as a reward for doing good the past 6 days.

    What works for some doesn't work for all. (: You'll make it!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    To succeed, you do what it takes. I think that belief against measuring everything that you eat is your inner whiny baby throwing a fit. Don't listen to it.

    The other side of the coin from measuring everything you eat is recognizing what a proper meal looks like for you. Eventually you'll get really good at eyeballing proper portions, but it takes practice. Weigh and measure for awhile; it keeps you honest. It will serve you well.

    What is not sustainable is trying to function on 500-900 calories. For you, start at around 1600. Keep at that level for two weeks; see where it gets you.
  • I think your "name" says a lot about the mental state behind the rant. I am no expert but have fought the weight issue all my life (I am now 70 yrs old). You need more professional help than reading comments from well meaning folks here. There were so many emotional, physical, and mental issues in your posting the real you was impossible to hear. Please do yourself and your family (who must really care about you) a favor and get professional help ASAP. No one should be in as sad a state of mind as you. I wish you the best.
  • What Dr is this?
    She/He sounds crazy-pants.
    Yes, when you weigh a lot, people want a quick fix. (I used to be over 400lbs.)
    However, when it comes down to it, if anything is to be sustainable (meaning you don't gain it back), you have to make HABITS of eating healthy and exercising in reasonable ways.
    One comment-er recommended Eat to Live, by Dr Furhman. I also recommend it. Your library may carry a copy
    Money is a definite issue when you want to eat healthy, since oftentimes the immediate cost of Doritos vs carrot sticks seems lower.
    HOwever, the doritos aren't filling you up - it sounds like you would eat the whole bag... whereas a bag of carrots would be more filling, last longer, and help you lose weight.
    If you feel like you don't have money now, just wait until you're diabetic and need insulin, blood sugar monitors, etc. OR, you have a heart attach and have to take blood thinners, etc. The price you pay for being overweight is much larger than just the food you buy.
    I lost over 100lbs several years ago, gained 50 back, and I'm back down 12 - and now I've joined MyFitnessPal.
    I have trouble myself eating all the veggies required in Eat to Live, but I'm not as desperate as I was at 400 lbs. I feel like I can gain control - I just need to want to!
    I hope you find a reasonable dr, and a reasonable path to success.
    Weight loss is hard. It's certainly not as easy as gaining weight.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I am a firm believer that no one loses weight by measuring every little thing that goes into your mouth - it is not sustainable, not practical and just not possible if you plan to lead any type of lifestyle outside of your home.
    You don't need to measure everything that goes into your mouth forever. You only need to do that long enough to get a sense of proportion, how much is how much, etc. After that you just use your own sense to estimate and it will all come out in the wash.
    I believe it is more important to research each type of food and to decide if it is good for you to eat it or not. Here's my dilemma - for every food item, someone tells you that it is the worst thing you could possibly eat while trying to lose weight and someone else tells you that you should eat as much of the same food as you want. Bananas are a great example, but I found this with EVERY food I have tried to research in the past week. It is impossible to make any food decisions beyond kelp/seaweed and water.
    You aren't going to accomplish everything overnight anyway, so there's no major benefit in instantly changing every facet of your lifestyle. Start out by simply counting your calories, and then looking back at your log to see what things you can do to improve your calorie count without depriving yourself. When you feel like researching foods, research one thing and decide for you whether it fits into a lifestyle you want to live, based on what you think it will do for/to you and how much you enjoy eating it.
    When I say manage, I mean that I am pisssed off for most of the day, I go to bed and try to sleep by 8 PM and stay in bed til about 9 or 10 AM as the only time I am not hungry is when I am sleeping.
    Oversleeping can lead to (read: cause) depression, so don't start relying on it as a solution because depression also saps your motivation, and then you won't stand a chance because it will start a vicious cycle.
    I have 4 different family members telling me that they don't want me to die of a heart attack and then they all have different ideas about how I should lose weight. I lost about 75 pounds 15 years ago by cutting out fats and most fried foods and it worked for about 5 months. I still wanted fast food, junk food and high calorie food all the time - I got upset with people who say that their craving for "bad" food went away or that they got sick when they ate fast food - that never happened to be and never will.

    As I write this, I realize that I am probably not ready to diet or make any lifestyle changes - if I was, I would probably not be so negative.
    You probably want to, since you're here, but it sounds like you are overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Start with the above. Do it for you. Know that you don't have to ever starve or deprive yourself to succeed in this. Nothing is going to shed all your weight overnight so you have a LONG time to ease yourself, baby steps at a time, into a sustainable lifestyle that YOU like and you will want to keep because it makes you happy and keeps you healthy.
  • I think your "name" says a lot about the mental state behind the rant. I am no expert but have fought the weight issue all my life (I am now 70 yrs old). You need more professional help than reading comments from well meaning folks here. There were so many emotional, physical, and mental issues in your posting the real you was impossible to hear. Please do yourself and your family (who must really care about you) a favor and get professional help ASAP. No one should be in as sad a state of mind as you. I wish you the best.

    I tried that, but I am in a very rural area with no services for 60 miles in any direction. All that prompted me to make the doctor appt that I made last Monday which now sounds like a waste of time and money. I am on my own in many ways - hence my frustration. Thanks for your post, though.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    One thing I don't understand about this post is that the writer claims they do not believing measuring food is a sustainable method of weight loss, or realistic for long term... but eating 500-900 calories a day and starving is? That is far too low. Weight loss does not have to be a miserable experience.

    Secondly, it sounds like a a bunch of excuses to avoid taking that first step. You CAN do this, with whatever resources you have.. even if they're very few. Anyone can lose weight if they are truly committed and determined in their heart. If you're not ready, you're not ready. Sometimes people just need time. For me, I had to hit rock bottom before I was successful in losing 90 lbs and keeping it off for the past 4 years.. and I still have quite a way to go since I'm still 200+ pounds. Until I was truly ready, I was never successful in my past attempts. You don't need a ton of money, supplements, weight watchers, or surgery. You're not giving yourself a fair chance, and with some minor changes you CAN and will lose weight.

    You don't need to have all the right answers to begin. That's the good news.

    Finding what works for you is about common sense and definitely a lot of trial and error. This is a journey where you learn along the way. No one ever got fat from eating fruit and vegetables. So don't worry about a banana.. but avoid the obvious things like fast food, soda, junk food, sweets. Just avoiding those obvious things I imagine you'll notice a dramatic difference. Eat more fresh foods like fruit, veggies, whole grains, lean protein, etc. And If you're hungry, EAT! Don't starve yourself or you'll just end up frustrated and wanting to give up. It needs to be a habit you can continue for life, or it'll be hard to keep the weight off that you do lose. Trust me. Incorporating healthier foods, and cutting back on the bad ones is a good place to start. Then just learn as you go along, and work to improve yourself each day. We all have rough patches, but it DOES get easier. You're not going to lose it overnight, so be patient and trust in your efforts. :)

    "Eat food, Not too much- mostly plants." -Michael Pollan
  • I read a blog that you can find the amount of calories you need by multiplying by 10 to your ideal weight. example if you want to be 140 pds x by 10 it would equal 1400 calories. Add to this 300 or more as to how active you are. Take one day at a time. I didn't get my weight in one day so i know i will not lose it in one day.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    Eating to a point where you become overweight and especially obese is a food addiction. Be patient with yourself. How many years have you been eating improperly, and how many years have you been over weight?

    You are fighting a process that your body has used for YEARS! Don't expect perfect change in a day, in a week, a month, and maybe even a year. It's a commitment. It's hard, and it's going to take doing things that make you uncomfortable. The cravings, will settle, and maybe go away, but you'll ALWAYS have triggers.

    Best thing you can do for yourself is to find what makes your crave what the most, and replace those feelings with new habits. It sound silly and tedious, but when you get a big urge to eat, when you KNOW you shouldn't be hungry, write a list of why you think its a good idea to eat and then write a list about why it's a bad idea to eat. You'll be surprised how many reasons you have to not eat. Then go brush your teeth, or have a huge glass of water, maybe watch a favorite tv show, and if your still hungry after, have some. But eat in moderation.

    At the very least you'll be postponing having the craving and then satisfying the craving.

    Good luck! and don't beat yourself up too much. I've been dealing with the fact that I eat emotionally (being it out of boredom, happiness, sadness, anger, etc) for a while. Its hard to admit, and it took me a week to even find a method that works for me, but there's NO way I could beat my cravings thorough sheer willpower.