nurn08 Member


  • Insanity is a LOT of jumping and my knees were bothering my by week 7 so I stopped. If you are living in a dorm or apartment insanity will not work for you if you have anybody living under you.
  • I am on week 2 of Insanity and feel the same way as you. I know I shouldn't be focusing on the scale to measure results but it is so hard not to!. I as well would like to lose around 20lbs. I have lost 1.6lbs in the first 2 weeks so far but the scale flucuates daily and some days can be rather discouraging. MFP recommends…
  • The couple of lbs I lost within the first week is back, feeling kind of discouraged :-( but know that I have to stick with it.
  • Wow congrats on completed P90X and losing all that weight. Goodluck with insanity tomorrow :-). Tomorrow I am working a 12hour shift (im a nurse) and then have to come home and do insanity.....we shall see how that goes!
  • Today is day 6 for me so my last workout of week 1! I am definitely loving the intensity of the workouts. Unfortunately I have not taken measurements or pictures yet but am down 2lbs. Def need to take measurements/pics soon as I know others have said they lost lots of inches but not necessarily so much on the scale.…
  • I just started insanity on 12/26, certainly a tough workout! I have about 30lbs to lose and am 5`2. Will check in with progress! I haven't taken any measurements though so should probably do that and not depend on the scale.