Ivoryelaine Member


  • When I se a heavy person or anyone not in perfect shape working out I am inspired really inspired. In my neighborhood there is a lady who is likely twice my size and still every day she is not just walking, she is jogging. When I see her I know I have no excuses.
  • I walk to and from my kid's school 2-3 times a day, I run the stairs at home, I garden, I lift weights and I do yard work. I also have the wii fitness coach program that I love, only I have to fight a 3 year old and a 7 year old for the wii, not too fun.
  • I absolutely LOVE frozen mango cubes, low calorie, really good for you too. I also drink herbal tea with stevia when I am craving sweets ( no calories and good for me too) Also strawberries, sugar snap peas ( only sound fattening) I also like crispy salty sea weed and eat that instead of chips most of the time. I also find…
  • Your dog has impacted anal glands. A vet can fix it and so can a good grooming shop. Take him to one or the other. ( some big dogs can get this too) To keep him from getting it again our vet suggested that we get the dogs more fiber, especially pumpkin. Of course our little guy with the most issues does not LIKE pumpkin by…
  • Women do not bulk up they got more definition. You don't get any more defined than you want, it's not like something you can't stop when you start, if he really does not like how you look then you can change it if you want if you get more definition than he likes. Bottom line, my hubby likes me about 10lbs heavier than I…
  • Several people are saying feeling great wearing nothing at all, funny part is that I feel great that way about how I look regardless of my weight...women's bodies are really beautiful at all weights, it gets more tricky when you add clothing that fits wrong due to your shape....
  • Pretty much all my clothing from a year and a half ago. A beautiful silver grey dress I have not worn for a really long time. With that said, I think it is also important to find some things you feel wonderful in RIGHT NOW. I had hardly anything that fit and was wearing sweats all the time, or one of 2 pairs of black…
  • I agree, I am also a certified childbirth educator and the brewer diet is wonderful and the best for pregnancy. If you need help modifying it for gluten free, dairy free or vegetarian I have information on that I could share.
  • It sounds like to me you may be at your healthy weight right now based on your information. I would work on losing inches instead if you are not happy with your size. Women do not stop growing until around 21-23 years old. You may simply have finished growing. I agree with what was said by the person who said that you may…
  • I just looked up on line from the link one of you shared my BMR as well as daily expendature rate. I guess I am supposed to have more like 1400+ even if I do not exercize and more like 1700 or even 1800 if I do exercise and do things during the day....if that is the case I am way way way low on a very very regular basis.
  • Oh, right now I weigh closer to 160. Some one was guessing 135. I would not be attempting to lose much more if any if I were 135. I would just be working out more to be more fit.
  • Thank you for all the responses. Sounds like the general feeling from everyone is I need to eat MORE. I do know I have been getting enough protein, I do not run well with out high amounts of protein, I have blood sugar problems. I have cured hypoglycemia years ago by increasing protein and cutting out all but one or maybe…
  • Read this and want to read again, need to figure out what I really need to be having in any given day.
  • Yoga is something I have not done yet. I cut out everything to drink other than water, medicinal herbal teas and a little unsweetened almond milk and I did that over a decade ago. I have not had pop, or milk or coffee ( more than 2 times a year) in over a full decade. I also do not eat wheat ( I have a bad reaction to it)…
  • Thank you! And yes I do vary exercize as I am able to do so. I also weight lift and do aerobics as I am able, right now in physical therapy for an injury and they want me to wait on that for a bit.....have been dancing with my daughter some too....I only started really restricting calories last September when my Doctor…
  • Take real care cutting down much while nursing such a little tike. With weight watchers they gave you an extra 6 points for an exclusively nursing baby and 3 for one who was not. So....if you take the calories you are supposed to have with out nursing, then you divide those by 26 ( the number of points on WW you would…
  • I am a certified childbirth Educator/instructor ( done having babies myself though) I would suggest that the very best information on pregnancy and nutrition can be found at www.blueribbonbaby.org. This details a diet that Dr. Brewer found eliminated all preeclampsia and almost all prematurity as well as producing healthy…