Stop rolling your eyes at fat people in the gym!



  • AnaVerasGettingFit
    AnaVerasGettingFit Posts: 109 Member
    I'm the fat person in the gym.

    I have never had anyone roll their eyes at me but I've had the "good for you" patronizing pat on the head thing going on and it feels pretty horrible to be singled out like that too.

    I know people are just trying to be nice but I wish nobody would ever say anything, just work out and let me work out in peace.

    I had an instructor do that to me before. She literally pulled me aside and congratulated me for continuing to come back. Then told me that she had told all her friends about the bigger girl in her class that keep coming back. I don't do patronizing. I didn't go back to her class.

    Ugh. Story of my life.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I must be a special snowflake. I get way, WAY more nasty looks now that I'm lean than I did when I was overweight.

    Hell, even when I was downright morbidly obese I didn't get near the sideways glances or eye rolling that I get now.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I could not agree more! It's disgusting that people would be like that but the truth is that it happens..

    Everybody starts somewhere... And all of those so-called "beautiful" people at the gym gawking at the big girls and guys just make themselves look ugly. It makes me pretty sad to think that people can be so shallow... the 15 years I've been working out I've never noticed it once.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'll keep rolling my eyes at all the people using machines and going for eternal strolls on the treadmill hamster wheels.

    Thanks. You come into my free weights area? Mad hugs for all. You keep pittering and pattering on the latest preacher curl machine to open: go back to jamba juice for your "healthy" candy.

    Hard love for all. One. Hard. Love.

    lmao! That was me once upon a time... until I figured out how to pick up heavy things! Now you can't get me out of the weight room and every female that comes in gets the nod of respect!

    Lunk alert! Heh, there is something divine about lifting things up and putting them down.

    Everyone gets the nod, the super huge dudes that miss a lift get a laugh. ;)
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    A person larger than I got me into running and did not even know it. I was on the Eliptical and the guy in front of me was on the treadmill not fast mind you but going strong and steady and he was still on it when i got off the Eliptical. If he can do it I sure as hell can. Then one day Im on my way home saw a woman running up hill (a hill not a grade) pushing a stroller. If she can get out and run with a baby carriage I sure as hell can do it without one. The rest was about 5000 miles behind me. What I do roll my eyes at are those individuals who jump on a machine for five minutes then stop and then I overhear them telling someone they just got done with some HIT. Or the guy or gal who picks up a weight does 4 light reps then moves on.
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    I never notice that stuff, but i'm so busy doing my own thing that I wouldn't. My obese sister refuses to go back to a gym for just this reason. So, maybe.
  • Ivoryelaine
    Ivoryelaine Posts: 18 Member
    When I se a heavy person or anyone not in perfect shape working out I am inspired really inspired. In my neighborhood there is a lady who is likely twice my size and still every day she is not just walking, she is jogging. When I see her I know I have no excuses.
  • laurenmanderson1
    laurenmanderson1 Posts: 113 Member
    The people I roll my eyes at are the meat-heads who lift some weights for about 10 seconds then stand there looking at themselves in the mirror for 5 minutes before doing anything else, and the skinny ho I saw yesterday wearing yoga pants and a sports bra (no shirt). Oh, and the creeper who works there who pretends to do something productive while leering at the women.

    Why is a girl a "ho" because she wears a sports bra and fitted pants? If that is what makes her feel comfortable then she should wear it. Sometimes I sweat so much during boxing that I consider taking my shirt off to be more comfortable. Just because women wear things like that doesn't automatically mean they are secretly wanting to yell at everyone in the vicinity "LOOK AT ME!"
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm the fat person in the gym.

    I have never had anyone roll their eyes at me but I've had the "good for you" patronizing pat on the head thing going on and it feels pretty horrible to be singled out like that too.

    I know people are just trying to be nice but I wish nobody would ever say anything, just work out and let me work out in peace.

    I had an instructor do that to me before. She literally pulled me aside and congratulated me for continuing to come back. Then told me that she had told all her friends about the bigger girl in her class that keep coming back. I don't do patronizing. I didn't go back to her class.

    Ugh. Story of my life.

    Yeah, these are all actually, good and valid points that people should take note of. It's odd and rude to single people out and assume they are doing something courageous just because they happen to be bigger in size. Just because someone is bigger in size does not even mean they aren't at a fitness level of an athlete and have always been active. There are other reasons why they may be larger or have a higher body fat %, and it does not mean they even personally care. Or if they are just starting out on fitness, it's still not a reason to treat a person like a child (there are many circumstances in which people respond that way towards a person and it's never pleasant).
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    The people I roll my eyes at are the meat-heads who lift some weights for about 10 seconds then stand there looking at themselves in the mirror for 5 minutes before doing anything else, and the skinny ho I saw yesterday wearing yoga pants and a sports bra (no shirt). Oh, and the creeper who works there who pretends to do something productive while leering at the women.

    Why is a girl a "ho" because she wears a sports bra and fitted pants? If that is what makes her feel comfortable then she should wear it. Sometimes I sweat so much during boxing that I consider taking my shirt off to be more comfortable. Just because women wear things like that doesn't automatically mean they are secretly wanting to yell at everyone in the vicinity "LOOK AT ME!"

    Isn't a shirt required though?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    and the skinny ho

    Dear lord, what are you - 12? Are you seriously still using that word?
  • More specifically: No one roll their eyes at anyone else in the gym or say or do anything mean.

    Be friendly if people are open to it, or keep to yourself if you prefer. Same goes for helpful.

    To answer a few of the same question: This post if for everyone who rolls their eyes at anyone else in the gym (unless you go to my gym and I've already spoken to you about it directly.)

    When I see it, I talk to people about it. I'm neither aggressive nor rude, but simply ask them what they're doing and what they're trying to achieve with it.

    I'm an optimist, half full by nature, but I honestly believe that when people behaving like twunts are confronted about their behaviour, the vast majority realize that they don't really want to be twunts.

    Finally, for introducing the word "twunt" - YOU'RE WELCOME.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    More specifically: No one roll their eyes at anyone else in the gym or say or do anything mean.

    Be friendly if people are open to it, or keep to yourself if you prefer. Same goes for helpful.

    To answer a few of the same question: This post if for everyone who rolls their eyes at anyone else in the gym (unless you go to my gym and I've already spoken to you about it directly.)

    When I see it, I talk to people about it. I'm neither aggressive nor rude, but simply ask them what they're doing and what they're trying to achieve with it.

    I'm an optimist, half full by nature, but I honestly believe that when people behaving like twunts are confronted about their behaviour, the vast majority realize that they don't really want to be twunts.

    Finally, for introducing the word "twunt" - YOU'RE WELCOME.

    I'm not going to lie...

    ...but after reading this...

    ...I rolled my eyes.
  • pronetocrash91
    pronetocrash91 Posts: 125 Member
    I love how surprised people seem by the fact there are judgmental people at the gym. Of course there are. If you've been lucky enough not to encounter it, then that's good but yeah, people like that do exist.
  • Prettymisssparkles
    Prettymisssparkles Posts: 1,274 Member
    Yes and guys, no giggling at girls that have trouble lifting! guh! ( Sorry, I haven't read the thread yet, just had to say this first. )
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    WTF! Its my eye exercise, I have fat eye lids ok!
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    More specifically: No one roll their eyes at anyone else in the gym or say or do anything mean.

    Be friendly if people are open to it, or keep to yourself if you prefer. Same goes for helpful.

    To answer a few of the same question: This post if for everyone who rolls their eyes at anyone else in the gym (unless you go to my gym and I've already spoken to you about it directly.)

    When I see it, I talk to people about it. I'm neither aggressive nor rude, but simply ask them what they're doing and what they're trying to achieve with it.

    I'm an optimist, half full by nature, but I honestly believe that when people behaving like twunts are confronted about their behaviour, the vast majority realize that they don't really want to be twunts.

    Finally, for introducing the word "twunt" - YOU'RE WELCOME.

    I'm sure you didn't invent the word 'twunt', also people are going to do what they're going to do. One person's 'helpful' is another person's 'mean' and finally, you're not the boss of me!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    There's some "mean" girls at my gym too... I don't consider myself fat, I'm 157 5"8, so I'm chubby lol....but either way, they take up 5machines to chit chat and giggle at people , and even point ...and walk around in bra tops to make sure everyone sees them....but I just ignore it..I just think, I'm here to get heathy so who cares if some young girls want to giggle and laugh !
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    Guilty to some extent. Only really an issue with lap swimming. My gym doesn't have many lanes and it can get quite backed up in the afternoons. When I've been waiting more than 30 minutes for lane, I get kinda aggravated watching people water-walking for an hour or swimming so slowly they might as well be floating. These typically are the larger folk. I know it's none of my business, but for that amount of exertion, you can really do anything for exercise and not take up an hour in a lane.

    I know I should just be patient but admittedly it does irk me.

    My gym's pool has 6 lanes, but we still do a lot of lane sharing. Can you do that?

    My gym's pool is narrower than most. They still try to have six lanes, though, so the lanes are pretty narrow as well. Too much so to be able to circle swim, unfortunately.
  • Lorettaholland
    Lorettaholland Posts: 6 Member
    "twunt" is my new fav word..... love it