Stop rolling your eyes at fat people in the gym!



  • halflife1978
    halflife1978 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm the fat person in the gym.

    I have never had anyone roll their eyes at me but I've had the "good for you" patronizing pat on the head thing going on and it feels pretty horrible to be singled out like that too.

    I know people are just trying to be nice but I wish nobody would ever say anything, just work out and let me work out in peace.
  • Fish_Fuzz
    Fish_Fuzz Posts: 90 Member
    And while we're at it, can everyone stop staring at my junk when I do my squats, and just so you know spanx for men is IN now. For the last time they are not pink they're salmon colored!
    IAMANAN Posts: 7
    I sometimes forget I'm not the big girl anymore. When people stare at me, I think they're judging me for being overweight and at the gym. DH pointed out the other night that all the people staring were guys, and I was wearing something form-fitting. That made me feel even worse, until he said they weren't judging me negatively; they were checking me out. :blushing:

    Congratulations on your fantastic weight loss

    Great NSV
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    I think a lot of the time people are so self conscious at the gym, they assume people are rolling their eyes, laughing, judging, etc. when really most people are just there to get their sweat on and get out.

    I agree with this. If you really feel like people are rude at your gym, find a new one. But I really don't pay attention to what others are doing unless they are taking up the squats racks or the benches and screwing around. That is annoying.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    And posting a message here on MFP will correct that behavior in YOUR gym?

  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    so much drama and judgement......
    this is why I don't go to a gym and never will.
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    I have been accused of giving someone the 'stink eye' in the gym.

    I don't wear my glasses in the gym so I am constantly squinting to see whats going on around me.

    Sometimes there are two sides to the story.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I'm so glad I've never seen anything like this. I always try to smile encouragingly at the overweight people at the gym because I used to be obese and I want them to know they're doing great... but it probably comes off more as creepy than encouraging. :wink: oh well!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    They're exactly where they should be! And they have just as much right to be there as anyone else.

    Instead of being a twunt, be nice. Smile. Say hello. Make them feel welcome, so they'll keep coming back.

    (Added bonus: You'll feel better too.)

    Must say in most cases that I have been at the gym...which is often enough to say this ...most people are not looking at anyone but themselves but if they are looking at those who are bigger than themselves they do so with encouragement and see those who are starting off as inspirational.

    I see more eye rolling done towards those who are muscle heads....not those who are in really good shape but those peacocks who parade around to get other people's attention.
  • fullofquirks
    fullofquirks Posts: 182 Member
    I went to a Gold's Gym in a nearby town to sign up when I was around 330lbs. I was waiting at the front desk for the employee to come back with paperwork when two girls walked past and one said to another, "I guess they're just gonna let anyone in here. Better go work out before the machines get broken by this new girl."

    I walked out and never went back. I now chalk it up to it being a college town and that it really shouldn't have matter what other people thought but I let it matter. A lot.
  • luceegj
    luceegj Posts: 246 Member
    Roll your eyes at the people that think they don't need to be there and just chat!!!!! GRRRR
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I dont see this at my gym, at all. In fact, I find we are all supportive. There are a few vain people but they arent rolling eyes at anyone.
    sorry if you have witnesssed this. Maybe you call THEM out.. ha
  • roxierachael
    roxierachael Posts: 81 Member
    I roll my eyes at skinny girls who pick up 5 lbs dumbbells.

  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    My gym (Chuze Fitness) is very easy going, helpful and not judgmental. We are all there for the same reason, just at different stages.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    I used to go to the pool with two housemates every morning.

    One of them was always audibly sighing and visibly rolling her eyes when one older, larger woman would come in to swim laps. The woman always went to the slowest lane, and the housemate didn't have to be in her lane, but she'd go on about how "old fat people taking up lanes" annoyed her.

    We stopped waking her up to go with us after awhile.
  • Amyp7777
    Amyp7777 Posts: 79
    I roll my eyes at people who rolls their eyes at anyone for working out. Some people use the machines, some people prefer cardio, some people lift heavy, so what? Everyone is there to better themselves, good deal. Life is too short to go on about such things. That said, I am taking a break from the gym atmosphere. I found it burned me out and I didn't enjoy going. Now I work out outside and at home. Occasionally get a snooty bird or squirrel giving me the stink eye, but typically it's a judge-free zone.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Occasionally get a snooty bird or squirrel giving me the stink eye, but typically it's a judge-free zone.

    :laugh: That's awesome.
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    I have social anxiety and this is why I'm stuck in a gym membership even though I don't go. I have an apartment about three times the size of a closet and I suffer from insomnia. I figured on days when I couldn't sleep I could go and hit the treadmills for a couple hours, and it would be safer than walking around town at night. It really did help- that will make anyone tired.

    Unfortunately I was kind of fast walking with a high incline, which some people who also came to the gym at 3am thought was hilarious and also thought I couldn't hear them making fun of me through my headphones.

    I really liked the bikes and some of the machines I was learning to use, but... It no longer felt like a "safe place" to me. Meh. There are options I can take at home, even with limited space.
  • alexiaans
    alexiaans Posts: 113 Member
    This is terrible!

    I could roll my eyes at a lot more people in the gym like the 20 guys at one bench working in sets. That's a whole lot of running your mouth, rest time and bull****ting IMO but opinions are like *kitten*.

  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    What? I was rolling my eyes at you because you didn't wipe down the machine after you finished.