Stop rolling your eyes at fat people in the gym!



  • upsidedownjelly
    I can't help it, I silently judge the guy who:

    a) makes girlgasm noises while
    b) squatting only about 10 degrees past where he started in
    c) the smith machine with
    d) a spotter

    I also really like to people watch but I swear I'm not rolling my eyes! I just don't know what to do between sets.
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I've never understood why this happens, why people feel the need to embarrass others. This happened a lot at the athletic centre at my University... It's sad because the gym should be a place for people to feel comfortable and where they are working to be healthier. The worst is when they feel that even the gym isn't a safe place to go.

    I admit I'm like that as well, it probably stems from my shyness and lack of self-confidence, but I actually prefer to workout at home.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I must go to the perfect gym because I just don't see this type of thing at all. What I do see is people working out, and occasionally walking up and introducing themselves to each other.

    Same here. Everyone is friendly, helpful and supportive. Never seen anyone do anything rude. You're all there for the same purpose.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Who are you talking to?
  • eazy57
    eazy57 Posts: 2
    Who spends time gawking at what other people are doing? Like others I'm in my own world. We're all there for the same thing.
  • pestopoli
    pestopoli Posts: 111 Member

    There are few people I roll my eyes at in the gym, and most of the time it's due to technique/form or lifting so much you can see a hernia waiting to happen.
    I´m new to lifting. If you go to my gym (wich I would be pretty surprised if you did.Lol) I would love it if people corrected me instead of rolling their eyes.

    Oh my god, THIS! I'm already terrified I'm doing everything wrong, even after watching 63 youtube videos. If I look like I'm about to hurt myself, please come gently pry the weights from my hands and tell me "No" !
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happened once at my pool exercise class. A young mom with a little boy had really extreme thunder thighs (her upper part was pretty slim so it just made her thighs look that much bigger). One of the women in my group muttered, "Will you look at the size of 'em!" I pretended that she was referring to the little boy in the mom's arms and said, "Yes--he is a big boy, isn't he?" She looked embarrassed and didn't say anything more. :wink:
  • bymyslf892
    bymyslf892 Posts: 114 Member
    It is so intimidating as a bigger person walking into a gym. I remember the feeling. People need to be accepting and encouraging!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Are you being serious? I've never seen anyone do this.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    people are jerks in general. frankly, I consider myself a bit more evolved (and plus I am/was fat so youd' think I'd have more of a clue) but its only really recently that I've had the maturity (and ability to look past my own feelings of shame) to see fat people and think "that's right! you go man! fight for it!". And this is me as a current/former fattie. Most others will not likely have much sympathy. I suppose the question is "why should they". the unspoken fact is that the overwhelming majority of fat people did it to themselves because of their own weakness or problems. I used to hate how my dumb cousin would always try to sit me down and gently explain how being over weight is bad for my health etc, whereas he might have had a dozen problem (did I mention being dumb?) but those don't show up when you just look at him so no one could tell him anything. Its just a fact, the ridicule will never stop. Although I guess if you contrast that to other self-created problems (like smokers who have to breath thru a tube in their neck") I think the fat person always gets less sympathy. Its a funny problem. who knows.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Who are you addressing exactly?
  • ehsan517
    ehsan517 Posts: 114
    I don't know that I have ever seen people be mean to others in the gym. I guess I am in my own world.

    this,lol. same as me. im one with the weights and everything around me seizes to exist.
    BUT, yes, the fat people are where they should be and if anything, should be given more motivation....a thumbs up if you will.
    im making it a habit from tomorrow to actually look at them and smile as i pass em by.
    there, goal set.
  • KtotheD78
    KtotheD78 Posts: 58 Member
    I don't roll my eyes at the fat people.
    Generally I don't even make eye contact with anyone.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    They're exactly where they should be! And they have just as much right to be there as anyone else.

    Instead of being a twunt, be nice. Smile. Say hello. Make them feel welcome, so they'll keep coming back.

    (Added bonus: You'll feel better too.)

    Hmm, frankly I'm more offended by your use of "them" over and over, like fat people are a different race or breed than "normal" people. But maybe I'm just looking for a reason to be butthurt, like most of the people on the forums that post whiny threads.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    I dont ever see people really noticing anyone in the gym in a negative way. But then again I am too focused on my work out to worry about other people. Perhaps you are just projecting your own thoughts onto others?
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    For the most part, people are really supportive at my gym. But there is this one little group of women who stare at me like I don't belong in the weight room.

    No, skinny B**ch. You, who are leaning on the squat rack while talking and/or leaving your junk on a bench that I need and walking away for your 20 minute "water break". YOU don't belong here.

    /end rant.

    YES. this. My favorite thing (sarcasm) is when people just sit and text on a bench or machine. It's like HELLOOOO either use it or leave. I want it! Other than that, I agree completely. I like most people at the gym!
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    At my gym, it depends on the time of day. It seems like a segment of the afternoon crowd just goes there to relive high school cliques.

    Thankfully, my schedule makes it more advantageous to work out earlier. I usually go at 5:30 am, and I enjoy the peace.
  • Mommylicous
    Mommylicous Posts: 121 Member

    And calling women skinny b!tches is just wonderful? How sad

    Agreed. What that person said about this woman/group of women is just as bad as what the OP mentioned.

    I have no problem with women who are in shape.

    That's not why I was calling them a skinny B!tch.

    I was calling them that because they have the audacity to stare at me, as if because I'm heavier, that I don't deserve to be there in the weight room. When they, themselves, are standing there, talking, not doing ANY work, and taking up equipment that I need.

    If you're in there doing your thing, awesome. I don't give a second glance to people who are doing their work. But if you're in there, running your mouth ABOUT ME, and you haven't lifted a single weight.. Don't stare are me while I'm trying to do my work.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    WTF? who would do something like that? i guess im naive... im nice to EVERYONE at the gym and i mind my own business. if someone is overweight, they are in the right place and i commend them for being there.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    If that happens in your gym find a new one! Never happens in mind. We have all shapes and sizes and I have and never will roll my eyes at a fat person using the equipment. I'm more likely to roll my eyes at someone using the smith machine to squat that a fat person exercising.

    HEY NOW! whats wrong with this? my kness don't like squats too much, with the smith machine i can do them with much less pain and have been able to incorporate them into my workout