linhy1981 Member


  • I feel the same way hon. I don't want to go out to visit people nor do I want to have company over. Yet at the same time I want some social interaction or I'd go nuts. I'm thankful for you guys!!!!
  • Moms :) This weekend goal is to remember that created life and brought it into this world. That is an amazing feat and you should remember that. I saw this quote and wanted to share it with you. "Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around…
  • Hi Everyone! I'm super excited that there is a group of ladies that can help motivate me to lose weight. It's so hard to find time to go to the gym let alone no social life whatsoever=( I'm thankful you guys are here! Your name: Linh Your weight loss goal: First Goal is to reach : 150 in the next 4-6 months. Ultimate goal…
  • If you find a way to prevent this let me know. I find myself thinking about it and trying to eat better, but i don't see a difference at all and then my mind keeps focusing on how come my body is not changing=*(