mylla013 Member


  • Yes, yes to both! One of my 3 children is an adult (22). The other two are 16 and 12. I would love to have added support and offer it as well. Weekends are often my downfall too, or anything we do that isn't the norm. If we go to a movie for example, then I justify the popcorn or snacks (excuse, excuse, excuse). Or if we…
  • Ooh yeah I don't want that to happen. I'll definitely be careful!
  • Wow, that was extremely informative! Thank you very much for that!
  • I have the same issue. My doctor had recommended the 'slow carb' diet instead of low carb, but he said it's important to have a cheat day too. The first few days, that worked GREAT, dropped 6 pounds right away. But then my cheat day rolled around. I didn't go nuts, but I had normal food, toast, things like that. Weight…
  • Me too! I definitely need some motivation!
  • I am on week one too! Hoping I can run a 5k by Thanksgiving. A little skeptical, have NEVER been a runner!
  • Thanks! I really want to be a runner! I never have been, I envy people that are. I'm working on it, slowly! :)
  • I lost an average human leg, but I would like to lose an irish setter
  • I think I am going to be starting next week too. I really want to be able to do a turkey trot or something similar by Thanksgiving. I am very concerned about failure, running has NEVER been my thing. I wouldn't even run the required mile in high school. I WANT to love it. I want to learn to love it. Hopefully I can keep up…
  • I completely feel you! It tooks YEARS to get diagnosed, and now, a few months after I finally was, my Dr. left and in a few weeks I have to see one of his associates instead and I have NOT heard good things about him. :(
  • I just started this Monday morning. Am hoping for some good results!
  • I stared P90X yesterday with Core. Had to modify quite a bit. I will keep trucking! I have researched this a LOT and have seen people either drop a lot of weight, or not so much weight but a lot of inches. I'm happy either way!
    in P90x Comment by mylla013 February 2013
  • I have been really struggling with PCOS and weight loss too. I feel like I am working myself to death trying to work in exercise and calorie count and pay attention to nutrition and the scale doesn't budge. I'm getting very frustrated and at a loss. My husband and friends don't really seem to understand what a struggle it…
  • I am feeling you on the slowest pace ever. I actually walked faster than I jogged. I had my 6 year old running with me. she said Mom, can we stop running now? I told her she can walk because she walks as fast as I run. So she started walking 'Wow Mom, you DO run slow!'. It's pretty sad ;-)
  • I did W1D2 on Wednesday also. My legs were fine (though I can feel it a bit in my muschles today), but have to work on the breathing. On top of that, I had a cold and it was freezing outside. I would rather go to the track, but my 6 year is my little cheerleader and runs with me and she isn't allowed on the track so we…
  • I just started this yesterday. It definately had me breathing hard, BUT I wasn't dying by the time I got home. My legs are a tiny bit stiff today, but otherwise okay. I'm going to stick with this as much as I can. I have never been a runner. Even in high school it took me 20 minutes to do a mile (I walked a LOT of it).…
  • Alright, I'm in. I started yesterday, day 1, level 1. It hurt nasty-style last night while I was doing it, but I'm not as sore today as I thought. Though I am guessing that I will be reminded of how sore I should be when I do it again tonight! I will burn through this!