

  • MakeThemStare- That's crazy! I'm glad you guys are ok. Again, I truly appreciate everyone's responses and feedback. It's not an easy thing to discuss.
  • I appreciate each and everyone of you that responded seriously. I'm going through the hardest situation in my life right now, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support. It's nice to know there are good people left. I will definitely check out that site - Thank you for the recommendation!
  • Thank you so much to all the people that had serious replies. It means a lot to me. Everyone goes through tough times, and it's nice to know that there are nice people out there who are willing to share their stories and possibly help someone in need. And thank you to the people that stuck up for me. The internet can be a…
  • Thanks a lot corn63. Believe it or not, I'm a person with real feelings and I've been badly hurt. But no, I'm not a fruit loop or a troll. Keep moving....
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