People are disposable?



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    You look like you could use a hug!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    People are disposable. Isn't that sad?

    It doesn't matter how good you are to someone, it doesn't matter how much you've done for someone mentally, emotionally, physically. It doesn't matter how intertwined you are with them and their family, and them with you and your family. It doesn't matter how much of yourself you've given. You can give them every morsel of your being. You can pour your bleeding heart out. You're still disposable to them.

    Is it any wonder why people don't stay friends like they used to any more? Is it any wonder why people don't, and CAN'T trust people? Is it any wonder why relationships and marriages don't typically last??

    There really is no hope for the human race. Humans can be so disgustingly evil and manipulative. People kill, lie, cheat, and steal. Then they kill, lie, cheat, and steal some more. Steal peoples hearts right from their chest. Steal peoples ability to trust and love again. People degrade, humiliate, and mock others in a way that is unimaginable. People make other people lose their faith in other human beings, lose faith in themselves, lose faith in real love, lose faith that anyone will ever be good to them, lose faith that this life is worth living. Kill peoples souls. What's it all for? Why are we here?

    Good people can only take so much before they break. Is this all that life has to offer me? Heartache after heartache? Losing everyone close to me in the worst possible way? What if I were never born? Yes, I would have missed out on some great times and some really great people, but I also would have missed out on all the times I've felt like this. Felt like a piece of garbage. Felt defeated, helpless, worthless, ugly, rejected, disposable. I have felt hurt so bad it feels like my heart is literally being ripped from my chest. How many times can one heart be shattered before there is never any more mending? It's shattered so many times that pieces are missing, they can't be sewn back in. Pieces that are essential to making one whole. Important pieces are missing, and can never be recovered. My "give a f&ck" piece is missing. My "give a f&ck about myself" piece is missing, my "give a f&ck about others" piece is missing. Did I do something so incredibly horrible that I deserve this? Am I a horrible human being? Why do such horrendous things happen to such great people? What has the world come to?

    Are there any sincerely genuine people still left in this world? People who don't take others for granted? People that don't kill, lie, cheat, and steal? People that genuinely care about others? People that feel compassion for others and people that can leave sarcasm out of the equation when someone so desperately needs it? I am there has to be more, right?? Please tell me there are more.

    You have described precisely and totally how I am feeling at this point in time.
    The same experiences, the same sense of hopelessness and the same loss of trust in other people.
    It seems safest to simply not reach out to others at all these days.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Unfortunately, you cannot put you hope and faith in others. You have to rely on yourself. I am not saying you shouldn't trust others and you shouldn't make friends, but that if you are looking for others to "complete you", you are always going to come up short. You are the common denominator here, and in that you have to understand that you make life happen. If you feel betrayed, I am sorry, I know how that feels, but you can't just give up and say damned be the whole human race. I do believe there are genuine, selfless, kind-hearted people out there, but I don't think you will ever find them. These people, the real ones, are kinda like superheroes... They don't go around saying who they are... they just help those in need and move on.

    You mean that any friends we make, are never going to be enduring and selfless and kind hearted? That the 'good' ones, will only ever be in our lives for a brief time ? That doesn't sound too hopeful.
  • verysadpanda
    I appreciate each and everyone of you that responded seriously. I'm going through the hardest situation in my life right now, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support. It's nice to know there are good people left.

    I will definitely check out that site - Thank you for the recommendation!
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Unfortunately, you cannot put you hope and faith in others. You have to rely on yourself. I am not saying you shouldn't trust others and you shouldn't make friends, but that if you are looking for others to "complete you", you are always going to come up short. You are the common denominator here, and in that you have to understand that you make life happen. If you feel betrayed, I am sorry, I know how that feels, but you can't just give up and say damned be the whole human race. I do believe there are genuine, selfless, kind-hearted people out there, but I don't think you will ever find them. These people, the real ones, are kinda like superheroes... They don't go around saying who they are... they just help those in need and move on.

    You mean that any friends we make, are never going to be enduring and selfless and kind hearted? That the 'good' ones, will only ever be in our lives for a brief time ? That doesn't sound too hopeful.

    I don't recall saying that, though you do have a point. The good ones will be around as long as you have them... but it is the lifestyle we live that determines the company we make. I don't think good people are impossible to come by, far from it. But great people are very hard to find this day and age...

    edit: and don't go putting your hope in what strangers on the internet say either :drinker: