

  • Ice cold water will take hunger pains away and fill up your stomach a little. And a flavored rice cake will expand and also fill you up too. Not sure why it happens. Happens to me too. I've taken some of the advice that you got here. I'm restricting during the day as much as I can to just have energy and then allowing…
  • I just posted a recipe called Chicken & Rice (it may not have cleared yet). My husband liked it and it came out to be about 250 calories per serving. Good luck on your calorie intake!
  • I hear you on this one!!!!! I'm currently trying alternatives as well. I LOVE chips and I NEED crunch when I'm having a meal. I'm trying pretzels now, filling for sure, and gives the crunch. Not sure about a replacement for your tortilla chips though. I also like Popchips and you might look into the various flavors of rice…
  • Visiting a 3rd world country took the word "need" out of my vocabulary. I rarely say it anymore.
  • This has a lot to do with why I put the weight back on the last time! In 2005 I lost 100 lbs and was down to a size 6. I LOVED the way I looked. I loved going shopping and finding way more cheap clothes. I loved fitting in airplane seats and going to the gym and not feeling like an outcast. But I was the same person inside…
  • It did for me! It makes sense doesn't it? All your weight is on the balls of your feet. If there is less weight then it hurts less. Of course uncomfortable shoes will just be uncomfortable. No matter what my husband says! :o)
    in heels Comment by renatte68 October 2012
  • Is it possible they believe you don't need to lose weight?
  • I don't think it is right or helpful for people to tell someone they don't know to leave a spouse. A marriage should not be disposable. It is not right that he is not supportive of you. If you asked him why he isn't supportive of you what might he say? He might be intimidated by you changing and therefore attempting to…