

  • its great that you lost 6 pounds! i would try to go a little longer each time you do it, but stay on each try for maybe a week. Slowly building up to longer time is always easier than going hard in to it. I am doing the same thing, starting slow with ten minute routines. I wish you all the best. keep up the good work
  • I never understood this myself. the elders in my family meant well by telling me i was big boned so it was ok to be a little chunky. But growing up as a girl that developed a little too quick, this hurt. I wanted to look like the smaller girls, it took me a good while to realise there is no such thing as big boned. I know…
  • with me it depends on what i'm stressing about. if i'm stressing about my kids, i usually wont eat. The weight just falls off then. Stress is something that can cause me to lose or gain weight. I hate to gain it, but if i didn't stress so much i think i could maintain a steady weight loss. i need to find a different way of…
  • this is something my dad used to do when he had a lot of eggplant. He'd cut it up in chunks along with any other veggies we had left in the fridge, add a little garlic, oregano and onion if he had it. He'd cook it until it was fork tender then he added either fresh tomatoes or canned diced tomatoes, and he's serve it with…