THIS IS SOO TRUE! there's a reason you can use coke instead of cleaning products people! and it's not because it's "more natrual'
all i was inputting was my opinion and f you want to go eat sugary fatty processed food, go ahead, but i eat clean and know that i'm better for it. And yes i do know where my stomach is, i'm not 2
carbon dioxide does actually get trapped in the stomach- so does air you take in while chewing gum and the CO2 in bread also gets trapped in your stomach
i meant 10 off my waist and 12 off my hips and it wasn't because i lost BM. did you ever think that maybe my body reacts differently to coke than yours does? and it's not just me- a few of my friends feel better now they aren't drinking fizzy drinks
um... it's actually not- i've lost 10cm off my waist and 12 off my waist from stopping drinking fizzy drinks. it's not the drinks themselves but the carbon that causes bloating as it gets trapped in your stomach
i love my jawbone and find the app really easy to use as well. The sleep tracking is good as it lets me see the quality of my sleep etc. and i've been able to change my routine to get a better nights sleep Hope this helps!
they seem smaller than most shops becuase they haven't given in to vanity sizing and are from here in europe so are slightly smaller anyway
wear it if you feel comfortable- i feel that it's 50% looking good and 50% feeling good so if you feel confident enoguh and happy enough then go for it!
I've got mine :) i love it so far and it only arrived this afternoon :D
" i got bored of it" seriously. my friend came to me one day all "i'm going to lose weight and be healthier" a few days later we were out for dinner and she ordered LOTS of food and i jokingly said "having a night off from the diet then" and she just went "nahh, i got bored" week later she's back at it again
i'm 5"3 and weigh 111lbs- i'm a pear so i'm a UK8 on the bottom half and a UK6/8 on the top. i'm happy with this and just want to tone up (my legs are already toned from so much cycling though!)
I LOVE my Jawbone too!
i have the Jawbone Up, and have found that it's very accurate and the App is very user friendly. it is a little expensive at £99($130) but IMO it's worth every penny. you will need a compatible Apple/Android phone/tablet as there isn't a website
the BMR calculators definetly aren't accurate- i can barely manage my 1000 a day (before exercise) never mind the 1250 my BMR is supposedly. Every calculator gives a different number because none are that accurte
THIS is correct, i'm eating about 1000 a day (give or take) and am losing steadily about 1-2 lbs a week, the 1200 is a ROUGH estimate! you need to take into account your age,height,weight and MANY other factors. i am still getting all the nutrients required for me to live healthyily (i am under in my sat. fat but i'd…
what i tend to do is eat less at breakfast and lunch, as i know i'll want to treat myself to a sorbet for dinner. i also find i don't fell as though i'm eatign less, as i'm drinking lots of water as i'm in a hotter country than i'm used to
if you want to eat something then eat a bit of it, otherwise you'll end up not enjoying yourself.Allow yourself a "treat meal" (most likely dinner) in which you can have a healthy main and have a dessert as a treat. As is mentioned above you might be able to get away with eat a bit more if you are getting more exercise,…
if you stop dinking ANY carbonated drink then you will see a BIG difference in your stomach, i used to have 2-3 cans of coke a day and was frutrated as i was losing weight but my stomach still lokked bloated. cut out all fizzy drinks (and chewing gum) and now my stomach is nice and flat with my abs starting to show.
i'm always over my sugar goal and don't eat any junkfood and i've been losing weight fine, when i do have a treat i make sure it's organic and only have a small amount and have a greentea with it as green tea prevents spikes in blood sugar wich in turn prevents the glucose moving into the fat cells.
i've ordered mine and it's set to arrive on the 15 :) i'm so excited as i'll be able to track my activity- without LOOKING like a fitness fanatic, as it's discreet, unlike the nike fuelband or fitbit devices
you could try diluting juice/ sqaush as that way your still geting the water as thats what it did at first
it's DEFINETLY the lack of water that's holding you back, i used to struggle to lose the weight, & drink enough water, but once i did it helped a LOT as when you don,t drink enough your body holds onto any water that you do drink(in order to stay hydrated) but once you get drinking more, it has no need to store water in…
you need to be doing cardio to burn the fat AS WELL AS these, or else you won't see the results, and you NEED to take rest days to allow the muscle to recover (and 'grow') otherwise you'll have wasted all that effort for nothing