

  • Men should never ever ever ever ask if a woman is pregnant. Thats rude, we are taught these things when we are young. I'm so sorry that happened to you. It happened to me once years ago. I was on prednizone and it makes you gain weight in your belly and face and I was asked I was pregant..I responed NO. I'M JUST FAT. it…
  • I came here for the same reasons. I just want to improve my life in general and I found FITNESSPAL. Just one day at a time. We are all here to support each other. I just joined a few days ago and although its only been a few days I feel better and comfident I can do this along with everyone on here. :smile: Add me and we…
  • Hi Megan, What a wonderful career your are working on. Good for you. I have been with my partner/fiance for almost 9 yrs not married yet but someday. We are looking to own our first home asap. Started the process. VERY EXCITING :smile: I dont work due to have ulcerative colitis. I came on her for the fitnesspal site then…
  • Hello, I'll add you its always wonderful to meet new peolpe. Life is to short not to meet new friends :-) I just joined this group myself. Hope to talk to you and chat sometime..... :smile:
  • For me its..... VEGGIES most of them, processed food- deli meats. (which i stay away from) mac and cheese anything with the face powder cheese mises etc... ice cream at times. orange juice, lots of juices bother me. Good to keep a journal.
  • Hi, :smile: I've been on REMI for a little over a year now. It hasnt cured me but it has helped me from not having to run to the bathroom constantly. I do have my days still that I have to make many runs but I can hold it and not be afraid of having an accident. I've had UC FOR 24 YRS NOW. Its been a long road but I'm…
  • Hi Cynthia, I just found this app myself a few days ago. Its really given me to encouragement to work out and watch my calorie intake. I love it. I feel I can finally set a weight loss goal and stick to it :-) Dont give up either you can do it.... add me as a friend we can chat again... Donna
  • GREAT JOB.... :smile: