cdbillups Member


  • Phone Wallet Keys Pocket Knife 9mm
  • We have a health screening day every year in January where all employees weigh in and have blood drawn. They calculate your BMI based on height and weight and if your BMI is 30 or below our employer donates a set amount of money towards your HSA (health savings account.) There are other things that could also get money…
  • We have 4 (all girls) and they are relatively close in age. We had the first 3 and then thought we were done. They are 12,11, 9 and 5. I've always heard that once you get past 3 kids the stress level doesn't increase any. If you can handle 3 you can handle 4.
  • With 4 kids under the age of 12 ours works out pretty well. We have the 42" pool which allows the youngest to touch bottom and still gives the oldest some room to move around. Ours was given to us by some friends that moved and didn't want to take it with them. I don't have the saltwater pump but that'd be my next purchase…
  • Here's my profile if anyone wants to add me. To help you determine my circles: Firearm enthusiast, Techie, Father of 4 daughters (if that doesn't have a circle is should), MFPer.
    in Google+ Comment by cdbillups July 2011
  • Welcome! I'm also from Missouri, from Palmyra to be exact. I've dropped around 50 pounds since Thanksgiving. I'm kind of stuck losing the same 5 pounds over and over again right now. Just be patient and follow the guide and you'll lose the weight.
  • I like the second one better. Men have an over active imagination. If you show them everything you have, they've got nothing left to think about. A man with nothing to think about will soon get himself in trouble.
  • Started off to be a Math teacher so majoring in Education with emphasis in math. At the end of my Sophomore year switched my major to Information Systems. I wouldn't really do it any different. I like what I do and do what I like. :)
  • With a family of four daughters we've ran into this before. Normally, only the child listed on the invitation gets to go. If the person wanted the entire family at the party they would have stated that on the invitation. I've never had a younger sibling come to a party we've invited someone to. Maybe all the parents in…
  • in k Comment by cdbillups June 2011
  • IMG needed to be lowercase.
  • I had to stop by the jewelry counter at Wal-Mart and pick up some ring snuggies to keep my wedding ring from falling off. I also dug through the jewelry box at home and found a ring I picked up my Senior year of high school. Hasn't fit me since my Freshman year of college, but it fits me now. :)
  • I've lost 43 pounds so far. I hope my progress is as noticeable.
  • I'm 5'11" and when I started MFP I weighed in at 250lbs. I think my caloric intake then was around 1600 calories. I work a desk job and didn't figure I'd exercise much. When I filled out my profile, I picked Sedentary lifestyle with 3 - 30 minute exercise sessions a week. As long as I stuck to the calories (or try to end…
  • Put [ img ] before your image link and [ /img ] after it and it should work. You'll have to remove the spaces inside the bracket.
  • We're getting ready for our annual canoe trip. If I'm brave enough maybe I'll post a few pics from last year next to pics from this year.