

  • What?
  • The fact is that if people want to retain something as part of their diet they will find a way to dissect the research and substantiate why it is all right to continue. I am a nurse and worked with a lot of oncology patients. I can tell you that no artificial sweetener is OK. You have to make your own choices in life.…
  • Hi Teebetta! Congratulations! I am a recent member too, a couple of months. I am focusing on eating healthy not dieting. Really it is the same thing but with a more positive focus. You will find this program amazingly helpful and it will also make you accountable for what you are eating. If we can't be honest with…
  • You can also try taking a photo of your plate. It won't give you the amounts but it will certainly help you remember which items to log, plus I have to estimate my amounts when eating out anyway. Hope that helps!