sad0608 Member


  • I did Whole30 last month, and still going...what has helped me are: well fed, the side thefoodee project there's a w30 section....have fun and eat fun
  • Same here! no slip up October 1-30. Looking into doing it after thanksgiving. I really enjoyed how I slept felt. Today I ran for the first time since doing whole30 and my run time decreased, it was nice...looking to do it again
  • So far not bad, I have used the foodee site to plan my w30 meals, that has been the easiest part. Hurricane-C how was it with the flu shot, I get mine tomorrow also mandatory for work and I have to work on Saturday. I like the fact that I can stay asleep for 8 hours, not having trouble going to sleep. I am planning on…
  • I have to agree, I am really enjoying it now. Last night I made Paleo meatloaf" faux mashed potatoes" and my husband and boys killed it all. I am adding more to calories with using mct oil more to get in my calories. The headaches for two days killed me, but I am focused. hope you get your voice back and have a great Sunday
  • I am not weighing myself, but I am keeping track of what I eat, making sure when I plan my meals for the week, I have a good balance of good fats, and lean protein. I don't think I will stop stop with tracking my food. Since Friday, my headache is gone and sleeping better. Not to mention ton of energy.
  • Woke today with no headache, yes, hopefully it will remain that way!!! I also had energy, did 55 minutes of sprinting. I'm making the pumpkin chili with ground turkey so I can have something to nibble on this weekend, weekends are always hard.
  • I am going to do 30 days shred and incorporate 30 mins of running/sprint. On days I can't workout in the morning adjusting to my evening.
  • MizMelis what is the recipe for the paleo jambalaya sounds good for the weekend, I have a potluck to go to...please share
  • dinner was simple chicken tenderloins avocado sauted broccoli and cauliflour and roasted acorn squash. I have to second the pumpkin chili withturkey can't wait to make it
  • Hi, joined MFP today and in searching for groups came across this. I had started paleo in August was looking for more motivation. I am a mom to two boys, full of energy, and want to be able to have the energy to spend with them. I just downloaded the It Starts with Food and will be reading it. I'm excited and scared at the…