myepsen Member


  • I had a bad headache the first day. I added an additional green container and that seemed to help. I also make sure I get my teaspoons of fat made for me. I was still tracking my food on MFP and found that the program was only giving me 900 calories. Once I added the fat and extra veggie container I was up to 1200…
    in Headaches? Comment by myepsen July 2014
  • First week was great. I am WAY behind in this weeks meal prep - was gone camping all weekend and then in jury duty today. Have it all planned just need to cook. Working on my breakfast muffins now and then chicken salad for lunches. keeps slipping away.
  • AWESOME workout!!! hard...but loved it! Was not a huge fan of the cardio fix though.
  • Your right...all the outer leg stuff...OUCH!! I liked this workout, I thought it was going to be easy but I sweated - whoop!
  • Thank you! I love the last one...God knows I have PLENTY of those spaces :):)
  • That is AWESOME - congratulations!!! Good sucesses this week...anyone else want to share their successes?
  • You can eat the peel? SUHWEET!!! I didn't know that! hate peeling those little suckers
  • Good job on not drinking the soda got this!! Yesterday I drank 96oz. One thing I do to change things up is add a little sparkly to my water - I have a soda stream so I just inject a little CO into it and then add a few drops of lemon and lime juice or maybe some frozen berries - jazzes it up a tich. I usually…
  • OK, I am a day behind so I did the LBF this morning. OUCHIE!!! Loving these workouts though. Quick and to the point!
  • Welcome Resa! You got this!! I know what you mean about the surrenders...I am still a wee bit sore today.
  • Where are you at? I am in the PNW also - Everett area.
  • Sounds good! I will give those ideas a try.
  • YEP, loved the UBF! Favorite move: lying down pull over...felt all my bra fat melting away ;)
  • Good morning! Excellent idea Jewel, I think the accountabliity is the best part of this support group! I don't have any water consumption issues. As soon as I wake up I drink 32oz right away, then I drink water throughout the day. I average around 10 glasses a day...however I just did the calculation from that…
  • Thank you Jewel. Good sugggestion! I am taking in some protein shakes, I like the Ideal Shape Shakes...they are yummy and only 1G sugar. I know the program promotes Shakeology but I didn't like the taste.
  • Thank you peacemama- excellent suggestions. I will do that for my egg pancake in the AM. Sorry, I did list 1 spoon for the PB but I meant 2TBSP which is equal to the 1 spoon container portion on the program.
  • Had my oatmeal pancake and coffee
  • I am eating 5X per day - but according to my allotment of containers, I am only at the 1K calorie mark. I tried to fit in more today but if I do then I will go over my container budget, I am on the first column: 1200-1499 Here is what my meals look like, if anyone has any ideas. Bfast: 3 egg whites (1R) + oatmeal (1Y) AM…
  • LMAO...I am sure you looked great and graceful doing it :wink:
  • OMG...the Surrender was brutal - LOVED it :wink:
  • I plan to coninue tracking on MFP as well. I may modify a little but I will track
    in Delivery Comment by myepsen July 2014
  • Good morning all! I had zero time to do food prep this weekend but the excuse was I was hiking and biking all weekend so at least I was super active. I didn't have any alcohol and kept my food very clean. I had enough stuff in my house to get me through today and this afternoon, after work, I plan to do the shopping and…
  • Hi everyone! My name is Michelle. I need to lose 22lbs to get back to feeling like myself again. I have been on MFP for 2 years and have been up and down and up and up. My greatest success was being a part of a group challenge and having that support, so I am glad to have this group. I ordered from Amazon and it will be…
  • I am in!! I ordered this and it will be here today. Thanks for putting this together, it will be nice to have some help! Michelle
  • I just ordered this. Has anyone done it? Thoughts?
    in 21 day fix Comment by myepsen July 2014
  • I am a HUGE JM fan. I have done her Body all the way to the 8th phase and then fizzled out. Today I started 30 day shred. I won't be able to do it everyday due to other working out but my goal is to do it 3X per week. Height: 5'4" Age: 44 Weight:: 144 First goal: 135 Ultimate Goal: 130 Would like to be…
  • Sheesh, I'm sorry Kathy! I just noticed this message. I REALLY need to watch this group closer :blushing: I got sent to 2nd chance last week :sad: I was in meetings all week so it was bad food, no exercise and no sleep which equaled a 3lb gain and that got me kicked. I am back on track this week but not sure I will make it…
    in April Goals Comment by myepsen May 2013
  • Hey there darlin'! Sorry for the late reply - missed this post. I'm doing OK. like you, been working out and staying active. My eating has been only so-so so my weight has reflected that. I am in the new competition but it is super hard for me. Seems like last time I lost weight every week, this time I am yoyoing. I need…
  • OK, back on track this week. Down 2.9lbs and pretty much back to where I finished the competition. I am super sore - the Jillian Michaels program "kicked it up a notch" this the words of Kim....OUCHIE BOO BOO :sad: Oh well, at least I know I am moving the needle :wink:
  • Kathy, How was the Warrior Dash?