sati18 Member


  • It would really depend how big they were. Overweight but still healthy and fit looking then sure no problem. If they looked like a contestant for the biggest loser then no way - I would struggle to be inspired by someone who for whatever reason doesn't embody the lifestyle they're instructing you on. Lead by example and…
  • I pretty much do. the only things i dont really are small portions of salad mix / very lo cal salad items that might go inside a sandwich. And fruit / veg with a stone. Because i always forget to weigh it after i take the stone out :neutral_face:
  • There are whole hosts of bulimics on an eating disorder support forum that i'm on who do all of those things because of their addiction to food...Steal food, steal money, bounce checks, run up huge loans and vast amounts of debt to support their habit, run their blood sugars high by not taking their insulin (diabulimia) so…
  • Another one here - I've suffered from bulimia for 17 years and whilst i wouldn't call myself recovered, mfp has been very helpful to me, My previous pattern has always been 'go onto treatment, stop the behaviours, gain weight because of eating too much and then relapse because i can't deal with the weight gain and am…
  • sorry but this is incorrect information. Your body cannot magically hold on to fat when you're not eating. There is some small metabolic slowdown after prolonged periods of a very low calorie diet, but it's not going to stop you losing weight. The reason extended fasting isn't a great idea is because you need energy to…
    in Fasting Comment by sati18 October 2014
  • If you go to a healthfood store like Holland & Barratt you can buy probiotic capsules - they might be your best bet rather than having yogurts etc
  • Even if someone has had a 'bad' day and fallen off the wagon, the fact that they've logged it all, been honest with themselves and not allowed themselves to hide from what theyve eaten is laudible and actually a lot of times much, much harder than it sounds. If i had an off day and someone decided to start berating me for…
  • I eat boiled and herbed new potatoes with my salad - I boil them in the morning or night before and dump a load of mixed herbs, oregano, salt and pepper on them and put them into the salad along with whichever protein im having. I find potatoes really filling and they're good for potassium levels too
  • That's a really good way of rewarding the effort without making it all about the scale. I really like that
  • I also hate comments about my weight. Whether it's up or down I just wish people would keep it to themselves. Especially since most of the time they are wrong and think i've lost when i have gained :S
  • I made these last night and they were really really good. I used fresh chilli instead of chilli flakes and it worked great
  • Bumped for later - YUM did anyone make these yet btw?
  • Double check your time zones on MFP and on Fitbit as i had problems with mine giving me too many calories when the time zones didn't match because it thought i was being super active first thing in the morning and assumed the rest of the day would be more of the same. Also, if you were losing at a steady and comfortable…
  • You should see a doctor. It could be to do with your intake but it could be something else. Fainting shouldn't be ignored. The only time I have ever fainted it was about a month before an ovarian cyst burst that had been quietly growing on a blood vessel. I discounted the fainting because I wasn't eating properly at the…
  • Just ignore the people telling you that you have to eat breakfast, you don't. If what you were doing was working, then do that!
  • :D LOL that made me laugh * ETA Also initially I said s.n.i.g.g.e.r. and MFP thought i was being racist and changed it to s****** :(
  • I feel you on the savoury thing, I love salt and all things savoury... sympathies there! it entirely depends on whether the calculations that gave you your TDEE in the first place are accurate and if not, how far out they are. If for example the your activity has been overestimated or the calculation of calories burned is…
  • ERM no it isn't. If you under eat you will most definitely still lose weight you will just feel rubbish whilst losing it. There is no way that not eating enough is stopping the OP losing weight. That's so unbelievably misleading. If under eating stalled weigh tloss people wouldn't starve to death and anorexics COULDN'T…
  • I find that really difficult too. i dont want to go out and not drink or treat myself so at the moment i'm banking most of the exercise calories i earn during the week so i have an extra 1000-1500 calories or so left for the weekend. that way i can splurge on one night and not have to worry too much if i sank a bottle of…
  • theyre really annoying and also deeply stupid. One congratulated me yesterday on having wine with dinner because 'this food is low in fat'.... ERM it's wine you moronic app and you shouldn't encourage that!
  • is it bad that i've totally driven through a macdonalds drive thru in my pyjamas because i couldn't be bothered to get dressed? lol I don't have a particular lucky escape to share right now tho :( mine mostly all involve my thinking i want some junk food and being too lazy to either cook it or walk to the shop
  • @missdibs - yes the other days are pretty much rest days, i do walk during the day (around my office etc) but thats about it... funnily enough the one time i did run directly after the gym the next morning i did find it ok, so you have a point there. to the others that asked why do so much cardio at the gym - because i…
  • ^^^ Thank you, yes i can totally see your point about you having to do it for a job and my not needing to :P And thanks for being nice about what i said about my food being personal. TBH i was expecting to get flamed for that cos i've seen that happen to other people when they havent wanted to share and people got…
  • Because i enjoy it :) and I wasn't really thinking about anything other than getting a bit more active and enjoying exercise, plus encouraging my other half to go to the gym with me. I'm surprised though that you think Its a lot of cardio based on the fact that you do Dance class 3 times a week for 2-4 hours my total…
  • Lots of different viewpoints and thanks everyone for taking the time to reply. You've given me lots to think about. For those who asked about diet though I did already state why I am unwilling to have that reviewed. Whilst I genuinely appreciate that may impact on the amount of help you can offer, I hope you'll understand…
  • Thank you - i didn't really consider it that much more, but then i guess if you look at it specifically as the amount of leg work then you're right. The other exercise that i used to do (circuit training classes, 30 day shred etc) to supplement the running was a lot more general. I'll definitely dial back the treadmill and…
  • I was hoping someone would say that :) I'll try swapping the days round so i'm not running in between my gym days and do free weights instead of the machines and see if that helps make it a little easier too
  • wow that is an incredible amount of exercise - amazing! I'm pretty sure no matter what i'll never be able to do that much but i will definitely look at the yoga for runners then if it helps
  • Just checked the website - thank you that looks awesome I will most definitely sign up and give it a bash!
  • OK so use the dumbells rather than the machines? No problem i like the dumbells fine and they have things like medicine balls and kettlebells if that would be better? What is bodyweight resistance training?