VivaciousVic Member


  • Ditto... push ups just aren't there right now... lol.. and I'm not sure anyone else is having this issue, BUT jumping jacks... if I'm not wearing something VERY supportive... I can't do them either... between being top heavy and the bottom stomach.. it's a BIA....... BUT in TIME...
  • Exactly WE Got this... Level 1 day 1 Done.
  • OMG...This is what happens when a CRAZY person suggests my *kitten* does Jillian... lol.. Thanks Kass... I hate you now.. Sure I'll love you later... however I have to really get with this... I can't do lunges or jumping jacks or squats... KNEES are yelling at me... sore already.. However I think that as time goes on I'll…
  • I'm with you. Lets get it IN......
  • Ok So. All that want can add me... and I will gladly accept... I need motivation daily I can be honest and say that.... As for the pics... I will take some tonight, and get them on here. Not sure what information you need/want at this time, so I'll just share the basic. SW:346 CW: 324 GW: 250 So 74 pounds to go. I am also…
  • All, Here's the YOUTUBE to all 3 levels....
  • Ok. Well I have no clue how to start a tracking log on However I think if we all check in weekly or even DAILY if need be (thats for me) then we can hold each other accountable.... I will be the first to say I'm going to need someone to shoot me a note telling me to get off my *kitten* I SO need the…
  • I'm In. Lets Do it.... How are we going to track??? Let me know and lets get it done. I Too have it on Youtube... BUT I found the whole thing I think... if I find the link I'll post.
  • Monday, April 8 Bombedpop - 6 DEVLe -8 ( catch up) Gulzilly - 2 (Wednesday, Thursday) Jill (PJilly) - 6 Lana (dbanks80) - 13 Lisa2219 - 1 Meeaham - 5 Melkadee - 5 Melslifestylechange - 3 (Mon., Tues., & Thurs.) Michelle(cappri)- 7 Mollie - 6 Paula (FiftySixFit) - 4 Paula H. - 1 Terry - 1 Throttle2009 - 4 Broderick-v1…
  • 39 y/o female HW 346 CW 331 LW (I have no clue. always knew I was too heavy, but it hides itself WELL) GW 250 (Maybe 240 can't look crackheadish... I got a big head, so it has to fit lol) I just started walking. so far I've done 3 days, and each time I've walked 4.3 miles a day. So I'm hoping to keep this up. We can do it…
  • Giving up is NOT an option...... You owe YOU more than to Give up.... Keep it going... I've started over, more times than I've QUIT and that's the difference. You can DO THIS.... Don't get up.
  • Ok I'm scared... Because I weigh a LOT more than 117, :-( do I still do the 12 per pound?? If thats the case I'm going to be eating a MESS LOAD of FOOD... Please assist... Is there a limit that I shouldn't go over?? I'm all for trying new things to crack my metabolism into shape, but I don't think me eating over 3500…
  • Ditto. I have at least 100 lbs to lose, it would be a lot better to do it with someone rather than feeling like I'm out on this FAT island by myself. Anyone is free to add me....I have met a couple nice ladies on here thus far. One we are planning a routine, and the other we are planning on going to Zumba... so we ALL can…
  • If you have app friendly phone there is this app called workout trainer. they have all kinds of excercises that you could do. using office chairs, high impact, low impact you name it. and if for whatever reason a excercise that's in that routine you can't do you can skip it, or do something else until the next one. And the…
  • Hello, I didn't read all of the replies, but I purchased a Treadmill off craigslist for $50. It's nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. Also my boss and I walk the garage in my office building. Or you could walk the stair well in your office, if the cold is the main issue. Hope that gives an idea.