Nikk2674 Member


  • I get what everyone is say, but can we agree that anything taken in excess can be bad for you? The truth is that excess sugar spurs inflammation which we know is bad for your body. So I'd say, why not cut it down and limit it in your diet?
  • Hi Alicia: Walking during your break sounds like something that might help and then some ab work at home while watching tv and maybe some push ups. From what you say, it sounds like squats and lunges are out so when you can find an incline to walk on, maybe that can help tone the lower body. Oh, and planks help at home…
  • The tight feel might be due to the lift your butt is getting from your workouts. Muscle takes up less space, but certain exercises lift and shape your butt.
  • I'm 40 in NJ, feel free to add me too! I want to lose 33lbs
  • I have done that as part of me job too. Compared to the things I've cleaned, ears are no sweat.
  • I went to my personal trainer yesterday and he suggested fruit or cut up vegetables. Nuts are a good snack, but you must be careful with serving sizes. If you're not adverse to protein shakes, Id recommend te GNC Lean Shake. It's low in carbs and the starawberry cream and vanilla are my fvorites at this time.
    in new here Comment by Nikk2674 March 2014
  • Hi Everyone, I just turned 40 on February 6th, I am a mother of one 11 yo girl, and I am trying to lose 30 lbs. I have slacked off on the working out as it is terribly cold and snowy where I am. I want to settle into my 40's with some cool and confident people who will remind me that I need not fear my 40s, but rather…
  • I'd love to have accountability partners too! Looking at 30 lbs to lose this year (we'll see how I look before going the full 30). I will add you if you don't mind
  • My goal is to become more tones in 2014, to fit back into my size 8 pants, and be in overal better shape. I'm thinking that would leav me having to lose somewhere between 20 and 30 lbs. Let's say 25.
  • Yes and then some of my friends and family don't just take the advice and leave it at that. They present alternate scenarios and ask about those too.