

  • If you are already walking, have you thought about Nordic walking? The use of the poles increases your arm movement which will raise your heart rate. If you are wanting to increase the intensity, this certainly helps! Here's the UK centre with more info:
  • Your comments gave me the will to continue rather than slow down "because my shins hurt" and this morning there was considerably less pain, so maybe it is as things settle down :-) On the other hand, weight has increased by another 1lb, this has to stop at some point (I hope!!) have a great weekend, and thank you for your…
  • Hi, I'm very much in the same boat as you and have also recently started the C25k! I need to lose 62lb, and I'm part way there, but still hauling far too much weight around with me! I've just done week 3 - it took me 5 sessions to successfully run the two lots of 3 minutes, it was hard going. Moving up to week 4 this week…
  • Hi, I'm just starting week 4 on the same plan and finding that I'm really enjoying it, much to my surprise! I had to repeat week 3 because I just couldn't last the second 3 minutes and needed to be sure I was doing that confidently before attempting week 4, so it will take me longer than 8 weeks, but I'm in this for the…
  • I've just started this too! I hated running at school, but I'm finding that I absolutely love this program. Not only does it provide me with much needed improvement in my fitness - and yes, I can really feel the difference! it also gives me half an hour of thinking time with no interuptions, heaven! I've been doing it for…
  • Thank you for posting this! Really well done, you must have tremendous focus to achieve so much in such a short time!
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