FUcalories Member


  • A snake is a snake. I don't like any of them!
  • Ok, no more hiking trails for me! Almost stepped ran into a baby rattlesnake! I plan on sticking to concrete and asphalt. Anybody have any ideas?? I'm too scared for hiking now.
  • Oooooh, I'm interested in the cauliflower pizza! Pizza is my weakness. If I could find a great tasting alternative, I would be in heaven! Please share!!
  • Oh, those are great locations too. I live borderline Garden Grove and Anaheim, but on the weekends I'm up in Buena Park, so I'm close to both locations. I'm really liking the hiking. Not only is it beautiful scenery, but it's a great workout. I've been hiking Peter's Canyon, but you just gave me some more locations to try…
  • Oh, I used to snack on mini chocolate chip cookies from the vending machine! I try to bring in lots of fruit now. Instead of snacking on the cookies, I snack on grapes instead. I don't know what it is, but it's almost like potato chips. You start with one and just keep going. I prefer my grapes now instead of chips.
  • Going to try my first hiking trail today!
  • You can add me too! My friends are flakes =( They say they want to lose weight, but don't seem to take it seriously. My friends never log in. I love them dearly, but I think I'm on my own here. I need friends who are serious about losing weight and eating right. I'm done with the hamburgers and fries every week. I…
  • Thanks for the link! I didn't know these existed. Can't wait to try them out. =)
  • I'm also dealing with menopausal weight gain! I've changed my diet, workout 3 -4 times and I'm still struggling to get the scale to move. I'm also in the early stages of diabetes. Just went to the doctor for my checkup and he wants me to lose at least 3 pounds by June. A pound a month. Sounds easy, but very difficult for…