NZchiquita Member


  • Any palmy people still active on here?
  • Im going to try Low FODMAPS as my baby son whom I am breast feeding has been diagnosed with Colitis and I thought it might help. I already have to be diary and soy free for him, so will now try and cut out high fod map foods and keep track of what I eat and how he reacts. My partner also has Chrons so we will all follow…
  • Just found an awesome treat option - Kapiti Passionfruit yogurt ice cream!! Only 152 calories, great when your partner wants a magnum or something like that and you want to join them in having a special treat.
  • Just made mine open to public - maybe I will get some nudges/comments from some hopefully helpful people!
  • Hi, I am new to Palmerston North (just moved from Feidling but have worked here for years). I am keen to find some walking buddies in the terrace end area - any out there?? Also some weight loss buddies on here would be great as we all know its easier with someone keeping check on you! thanks, Hannah