RumAndEthics Member


  • Get it checked out...unexplained weight loss is also a symptom of diabetes. But if its not that or any of the above mentioned, then well done ;)
  • lets do the math...lets for ease of math say you're 200 pound. I know I added five there but for ease of math ok? you're 54% body fat, or 108 pound of it. you want to get down to 26% or 52 pound of it. you'd have to lose 56 pound of fat, which averages a teensy over a pound of week. Doable, but definitely not easy. Still,…
  • I personally found it didn't work for me. I followed as said, did it for 2 meals a day and somehow ended up gaining weight instead of losing it. But everyone's body is different, try it and see if it works or not for you, not for me.